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While walking Sana whispered something that Tzuyu didn't cleary heard it.

"I like you."Sana whispered

"You're saying something, Sana?."Tzuyu asked

"N.. Nothing."Sana scratched her nape as Tzuyu look at her confusly
"Are you sleepy? I think we better go now. We almost spend an hours here for sure your sister and your twin might looking for you already."Sana said

"O.. Okay. Let's go?."

Sana remembered that day. She almost confessed to Tzuyu but gladly the latter didn't heard it. She was not in the right mind to say that. It's just comes onto her mouth without her noticing it.

"Your vow's, your 'I love you's' is it true?."Momo asked straight to the point which interrupted Sana's thought

"This is not the time for that Momo ya."Sana looked away

"Tzuyu don't deserve this. She don't.."Momo was cutted off when Sana spoken up

"You always say, Tzuyu don't deserve this, Tzuyu don't deserve me. What about me? Do you think I'm not hurting? I don’t know but as time passed by my feelings grew even more. And when I think about that I'm always hurting because I know that Tzuyu will leave me soon. It hurts for me, when it was already too late I just found my feelings for her."Sana said as she teared up. Momo regret her words and gave her friend a tight embrace

"I'm sorry Sana chan. I'm sorry I'm not considering your feelings."Momo said which Sana tighten the hug

"Wh.. What happened?."Mina suddenly came

"Nothing."Momo replied

"Are you okay, Sana chan? Did you make her cry?."Mina then glared at the other one

"I—"Mina didn't make her finish

"You bitch. I swear I will slap your ass."Mina threatened her

"Calm your ass down Minari. I didn't.."Momo was cutted off again

"Stop making reasons, you.."before Mina could finish Sana spoken up

"This is nothing to do with her, Minari. Don't blame her."Sana said as Mina turn to look at Momo

"Just make sure."Mina whispered as Momo just gave her a smile

"Okay. I'm done. I'm going to Tzuyu now. You two don't fight here, okay?."Sana said as she walked out


Sana then went to Tzuyu's room and find her sleeping on her own bed. She smiled and came closer to the latter. She put a kiss over Tzuyu's forehead and intertwined her right hand with her.

"Tzuyu please be strong, please fight for me. I promised to myself that when you finally recover, I will marry you but that time I will marry you in the church. I love you, Tzuyu."Sana said kissing Tzuyu's hand with a tears flowing through her cheeks

A minutes later Tzuyu finally opens her eyes.

"Sana? Why are you crying?."Tzuyu asked with her weak voice. Sana then quickly wiped her tears off and shake her head

"Nothing. I can't just imagine, you being here in the hospital bed. I missed you."Sana said. Tzuyu then take her hands with her cheek and look intently to her eyes

"I will go out in this place soon. Don't worry."Tzuyu said

"Promise me."

"I promise."

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now