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As when Sana was about to go outside since their class was already done, she heard some students squealing and giggling.

She then walked outside and find Tzuyu standing at the wall near their door.

"Oh that's why the students are getting crazy."

"Hey."Tzuyu called her attention as the students around there squeals more as if they are not there
"I just came here to fetch you, we're going home together, right?."Tzuyu said with a smile forming across her face

"Yeah."Sana said giving her a shy smile, all the eyes are on them so

"Let's go, shall we?."Tzuyu said helding out her hand and Sana gladly took it

"Sana chan!."Mina suddenly came with Momo

"I'm going with Tzuyu guys."Sana said as the two just nodded their heads

"Okay, we will be home at 8."Momo said bidding a goodbye

"Let's go?."Tzuyu asked as Sana just nodded her head

They walked around the parking lot until they stopped right infront of a motorcycle.

Sana's mouth agape seeing the motorcycle with expensive price infront of her.

"Holy..... did you own this M16..."Sana said in awed, Tzuyu just shook her head

"My brother owned this but gave it to me after my father got him a billion cost bike."Tzuyu said as Sana stare at her in surprise

"Lucky you."Sana said

"Lucky with money, yeah but in family? No."Tzuyu sadly said

"Sorry to hear that."Sana said patting her back, Tzuyu just smiled

"Come on ride on my bike."Tzuyu said as Sana get on the bike
"Hold on."Tzuyu said as she take Sana's hands and place it to ber waist

As when Sana take a hold on her waist she immediately blushed and bit her lower lip.

"She got abs and it's so har.."she shook her head and blushed with her own thoughts

"Ready?."Tzuyu asked as Sana just nodded her head and with that Tzuyu started the engine and drove away

A lot of students are looking at them while giggling while some just didn't mind it.

Tzuyu is so cool with this motorcycle, she didn't expect her to be like this. At first she think she is a soft girl but in fact she can really be cool like this.

Tzuyu drove around until they stopped right infront of Sana's house. The taller girl just parked her bike infront as Sana hop out.

"Where is your house by the way?."Sana asked

"Just ten blocks away from your house."Tzuyu answered as Sana nodded her head

"Oh! The white one that has a cool bike parked inside."Sana said as Tzuyu stare at her in awed

"Cool, you got it right."Tzuyu smiled

"So how's your parents doing?."Sana askdd as Tzuyu's smile fades away

"My father is always busy and my mother is gone a year ago."Tzuyu said

"Sorry to ask that."Sana said in a low tone

"You know people nowdays.. They will just know that, that someone is important to you when you are already gone."Tzuyu suddenly said as Sana hugged her from behind while patting her back, that made Tzuyu smile
"You gotta go inside, I'll keep going now."Tzuyu said as Sana tiptoed and kissed her cheeks for a thank-you

"Bye, see you tomorrow."Sana bid a goodbye as Tzuyu left outside dumbfounded

"S.. She just kissed my cheeks."Tzuyu mumbled touching her cheeks that Sana have kissed

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