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Tzuyu walked around to find Sana as when her friends told her to invite her for a lunch date, yes they called it as a 'lunch date' and of course Tzuyu don't complain she like it too anyway.

Room by room she saw all of the students are already getting off as their free time are on going.

"Hi Tzu!."someone suddenly called her

Tzuyu then turn her head and find Xiao, Cheng Xiao.

"Oh.. Uhhh Xiao."Tzuyu said, scratching her nape

"I bet you're looking for Sana?."Xiao said and with that Tzuyu nodded her head with a smile but changed when she heard the latter's next word
"She's with Mark, the transferee student."she said

"Do you know where they go?."Tzuyu asked

"Sorry but no."Xiao said, Tzuyu just nodded her head
"Are you free?."Xiao asked

"Yes, since Sana is with Mark."Tzuyu said with a force smile, she admit it she's jealous

"So! Wanna have some lunch with me at the restaurant near this uni?."Xiao said as Tzuyu nodded her head, she had nothing to do for today so she agreed plus Xiao is always inviting her but she kept on not agreeing

As they passed the library there she saw Mark with Sana. Sana seems so happy with Mark even though they just got knew each other the other day. How lucky he is, right?

"You really like her, do you?."Xiao suddenly asked as Tzuyu look at her, Xiao just gave her a sad expression

"I really really like her."Tzuyu admit it

"I saw how Sana stare at Mark earlier but don't worry because Mark seems not interested. They just got the same project so they need to work together. They just got out of the library, right?."Xiao said, with that Tzuyu smile and her mood lighten up again
"That's great, I made you smile."Xiao also smile

"You're always kind to me even if I'm always rejecting you."Tzuyu said while scratching her nape

"That's what love is, right? Even if you're already hurting yourself you still wants what's the best for the one that you love."Xiao said, smiling but deep inside she's hurting

"I'm sorry, Xiao... I."Tzuyu was cutted off when Xiao put her index finger over her mouth

"You don't need to say that many times, Tzuyu. It's okay with me. I already accepted it, since then."Xiao said tapping her shoulders
"Oh Sana's not with Mark anymore. I guess I'll be taking my lunch with my friends, bye!."Xiao said leaving Tzuyu alone

Tzuyu then turn her head to her back and found Sana fixing her stuffs. Can she now move?

If not then Mark would take her again.

She immediately went towards Sana and the girl just look at her giving her a smile. Seems like her mood was good but maybe it was because of Mark?

"Hi Sana!."Tzuyu started

"Tzuyu! You're here?."Sana said

"I.. I just wanted to invite you for a lunch. If you don't mind?."Tzuyu asked

"Uhhh... I'm sorry, Tzu. I still have something to do, but maybe next time?."Sana said and Tzuyu can't do anything but to agree

"Oka.. okay see you, I guess."Tzuyu then leave with a sad face

"Maybe she's busy with Mark."Tzuyu thought

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