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"Finally! I got to see Korea again!."Sana said feeling the fresh air

They just got to Korea for how many years. She and her father almost stay in Los Angeles and now they will be staying in Korea again.

"You seems so excited."her dad said, patting her head

"We didn't went here for a years so I missed being here so much."Sana smiled
"Shall I hangout with my friends?"Sana said doing a cute puppy eyes just to make her dad say yes

"We just got here though."her dad sighed as Sana did some cute gestures to him
"Fine. Just be home at 8."he said

"Yey! Thank you dad! You're the best!."Sana said jumping in happiness

"But you still need to rest."her dad said making Sana pout
"Come on stop being stubborn, lady. Can't you feel being tired? You're hyper since earlier."he shook his head

"Fine."Sana crossed her arms making her dad chuckled

"There are still other days for that."he said messing her hair as he started to walk

Sana on the other hand is still pouting but joined her father anyway.


"Dad!!!."Sana shouted as she knocked on her father's room

It didn't took long as her father open up the door.

"What's up with you? Why are you still up? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?."her father said and it seems like he just got up from his bed

"I already did and I want to inform you that my friends are already here waiting for me."Sana said showing a cute smile trying to convince her father

"What else can I do?."her father said shooking his head as Sana jumped and hug her father

"Thank you dad! I love you!."Sana said before she finally dissapared

"She really got her mother's personality."he said as he closed the door


"Sana! Stop being slow!."

"Stop shouting at me Heejin."Sana glared at her friend

"She's right you're slow as fuck."Sana's other friend, Chaewon said

"See? Even Chaewon agreed to me."Heejin said

"You two are always like that. That's how you welcome your friend? Too mean."Sana pouted

"Yes of course."Chaewon teased more making Sana walked out

Chaewon and Heejin laughed and didn't notice that Sana is already walking away from them.

Since Sana don't know where to go she just let her foot bring her somewhere.

But because of her clumsiness she suddenly fell on her own leg. She closed her eyes tightly shut and get ready herself to fall when she suddenly felt a pair of arms hugging on her waist.

As Sana finally opened her eyes. There she met the girl's beautiful eyes. The latter's brown orbs was like hypnotizing her soul. The way the other girl stare at her giving her a weird feelings around her stomach.

"Are you okay?."the way she talks was like music to Sana's ears
"Ms?."Sana just stare at the latter's face

The taller girl just make her stood up and waved her hands infront of her making her snapped back to reality.

"Uhhh... I'm sorry..."Sana shyly said

"Sorry for what?."she asked but got no answer from Sana
"Okay whatever. I got to go ms. Just be careful next time."the taller girl then leave leaving Sana standing alone

Suddenly, her two friends suddenly came.

"Oh my gosh! I know her!."Heejin exclaimed

"Really? Then what's her name?."Chaewon asked

"I don't know her name but I always saw her with Mr. and Ms. Chou."Heejin replied

"Maybe that's their daughter?."Chaewon said as she turn to look at Sana who is not paying attention to them
"Sana?."Chaewon called

"Excuse me! Minatozaki Sana!!!!."Heejin shouted making the whole place glance at their direction

"What the hell?."Sana frowned

"You've been spacing out. Is it because of that tall cute girl?."Chaewon smirked

"No! Let's just go!."Sana said leaving the two

Her two friends just chuckled and followed from behind.

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