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It was a very tiring day for the students in Sophomore. Today was really hectic they have a lot of works and scedules for their dance. Sana joined dance class since she become a sophomore.

While she was reading a book in the library someone suddenly tapped her back.

"Yo! Minatozaki!."a tall guy said

"Chou? What are you doing here?."Sana asked which Jun laugh a little

"Really? This is a public library and I want to learn something on this book."Jun said showing up the book he was holding

"Are you here sitting besides me just to tease me?."Sana asked with a frown. Since then Jun started to tease her everytime he had a chance and that really annoyed her.

"Maybe? Maybe not?."Jun replied with a teasing smirk which Sana find annoying

"You bitch why are you teasing me? Do you like me?."Sana asked confidently

"Woah! So full of yourself, Minatozaki. Sorry but you're not my type and for sure someone will get mad at me."Jun said

"Mark?."Sana asked as Jun hesitantly nods his head. The truth is she was really referring about her twin sister, Tzuyu

"So I gotta go. You can now read peacefully."Jun said as he stood up and went to the counter to borrow the book he was holding


Soon Sana was going through the locker's hall when she notice her locker was open. She immediately went towards her locker to check it.

As she was done opening it, there she saw a photo album. She was sure it was not her own. Maybe someone put their things on the wrong locker.

Making sure who it really belongs. She then open the first page. But for her shock she saw her face in it. It was a stolen shot when she was busy listening inside their classroom. Second page, there was a letter shows how the person who took it for her trying it's best not to get caught by her and their Proffesor. The last comment was telling 'you still look cute when you're busy' and that made her smile.

Turning it to the third page, there she saw a picture of her eating her foods. It made her frown because it makes her look like a squirrel who didn't eat for days. There was also a letter attached on it telling 'I know you find this creepy because I was taking a pictures of you without your permission but what can I do? I can't help but to take a picture of the most cutest girl I have ever seen. You're so cute when you're eating like that♥.

It's cheesy she knows but it made her smile once again.

She ended the pages with a smile on her face. She was checking the writings if who really is the person behind this but she just ended up not knowing it. She can't recognize if who really wrote it.

After that she immediately take the photo album with her and about to go when someone called her name.

"Sana?."a familiar voice called as Sana turn to look who it was

"Tz.. Tzuyu?."

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