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"You chose her because she's sick? It's not about being selfish but .... How about me? How about my feelings? I love you, and I know you love me too." Mark said

"Mark I'm sorry but can we give it atleast to her, this is the only thing that will make her happy. My friend is sick, Mark." Sana said as she cupped her boyfriend's face looking intently into his eyes

"Let's say you're doing that because she's sick. What if you fell in love with her without realizing it? Can you do anything? Eventually I'll be the one to be miserable in the end." Mark paused as she looked into Sana's eyes
"Now you choose, me or your friend?."Mark said in a serious tone as Sana's mouth hang open and close as she can't even utter any words

"Ma.. Mark."Sana said, forming a tears on her eyes

"Sana, I want you to choose. If you really love me, you will choose me. I'll give you time." Mark said as he take his leave

Sana was left alone. She don't know what she was going to do. She doesn't want to lose her best friend but she also doesn't want to lose the person she loves.


"She's also Tzuyu's friend, right?."Momo asked as Mina nodded her head
"He's so selfish. Tzuyu is dying, why can't he just do her favor."she said while shooking her head

"I also understand, Mark. He really love Sana that much. That he is ready to choose her girlfriend over anyone just to don't lose her."Mina said

"So? What will you do Sana ya?."Momo asked as the two turn to face her

"I know I will hurt Mark but I have to choose Tzuyu for now. I can't also lose her, she's my best friend after all."Sana said as the two nodded their head

"Even Mark might break up with you?."Momo asked out of the blue which she earn a glare from the other Japanese girl

"We all know he can't do that. Mark really loves her."Mina said as she raised one brow at Momo. The latter just do a peace sign while scratching her nape

"I will move to Tzuyu's place."Sana said which the two stop

"Pardon?."Momo asked raising a brow

"I'll move to Tzuyu's place. I think it is better for now. I wanted to make her days even better when I'm around her. Maybe that will help, right?."Sana asked as her two friends look at each other before they nods

"Tzuyu will be better for sure. You're her happy pill. You know if I were the one that Tzuyu likes I will definitely like her back."Momo said as the two frown

"You already have Dahyun."Mina said

"I know. It's only 'if' duh!."Momo said rolling her eyes

"As if Tzuyu will gonna like you. You're not her type anyway."Sana said as she came upstairs
"Come on and help me with my stuffs!."Sana shouted

"See? She's jealous."Momo smirked

"What? Is that so?."Mina said following Sana upstairs

"Tsk that two."Momo mumbled with a pout

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