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"Where are you going, Tzu?."Jeongyeon asked the moment she saw Tzuyu about to go

"Sana's house. I'm going to fetch her. I'll be right back after."Tzuyu answered

"Wait what? You're going to Sana? Isn't she going with Mark?."Jeongyeon asked

"Oh for that Mark said he can't accompany Sana for today so I will going to be his replacement."Tzuyu said as she fix her shoe tie

"Is it really okay for you?."Jeongyeon asked in concern

"Of course, why?."Tzuyu asked

"You're just going to hurt yourself."Jeongyeon said but Tzuyu shook her head

"No unnie. I assure you that. It is my choice so please let me."Tzuyu pleaded

"Fine, I'm just worrying here. I'm your sister after all."Jeongyeon said as Tzuyu walk towards her

"Don't worry about me unnie."Tzuyu hugged her which the latter return back
"I gotta go!."Tzuyu said before she go

"Jagi! Where is Tzuyu going?."Nayeon ask as she just came inside their house

"To Sana's place."Jeongyeon answered downhearted

"I am wondering.. What if Mark have fallen inlove with Sana? What can we do for Tzuyu? I mean Sana can be easily to be loved. It's not far if Mark fall for her..."Nayeon was cutted off by her girlfriend

"Let's just not think negative. Even though Mark is a playboy he can still never betray Tzuyu."Jeongyeon said

"But it isn't his fault if he accidentally fell for Sana, right?."Nayeon said but Jeongyeon just look at het without telling any word
"Sorry! I'll be quiet now."Nayeon then zipped her mouth


At Sana's place. Tzuyu was knocking on the door waiting for someone to open.

And with that after a few minutes of waiting someone finally open the door.

"Tzuyu chan! What brings you here?."Mina said while showing her way

"I came here for Sana."Tzuyu answered

"Oh she's been waiting for Mark ssi since earlier."Mina said as Tzuyu nodded her head

"Mark is not gonna able to fetch her so I'm here."Tzuyu said

"You're gonna be his replacement?."Momo asked as she walked towards their direction

"That's right."Tzuyu said

"Well okay, I'm more sure with you than to your friend."Momo said which she received a slap from Mina

"Sorry to here that she's just..."Tzuyu cutted her off

"I know you don't like my friend for Sana. Well, I can't stop you. He's a playboy after all."Tzuyu said and with that Sana just came downstairs

"Hey Tzu? You're here?."Sana asked

"Mark is not gonna be here so heres Tzuyu."Momo said pointing at her

"Okay so! I'm just gonna get my stuffs."Sana said running upstairs again

"Sometimes Sana is confusing."Momo mumbled


"It's been a long days since we went outside together."Sana started

They are now walking through the park and no one else tried to start the conversation.

"You're busy with your boyfriend though."Tzuyu teases

"Not yet."Sana chuckled same as Tzuyu, she just laughed the pain away

The two spend their hours walking and buying around the street. It was really a nice day for Tzuyu. Honestly her heart can't stop from beating in a fast motion since then.

Sana seems to enjoy her company and that really made her happy. Not like with Mark but still she can make Sana's mood lighten up a bit.

A few moments they now decided to take a break at the bench since they've been walking for an hour.

"Sana I—

Sana then look at her waiting for an answer.

"I'll accompany you to your house."Tzuyu suddenly catching her off

"O.. Okay."Sana said nodding her head

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