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A few days before

"Doc, is she okay?."Sana asked the moment she went to the hospital

All the doctors are busy and they didn't heard what she said.

"Doc, Is she okay?!."Sana said but this time with a loud voice

The doctors then stopped and turn to face her.

"She is. You're her relative?."one of the doctor asked

"I am her fiancé. How is she?."Sana asked

"She is fine Mrs. Chou."she knows this isn't the right time to feel this way but the way the doctor called her 'Mrs. Chou' made her blush
"But she still need to be hospitalized since her asthma is attacking her every chance they took."the doctor said

"Th.. Thank you, doc. Please do all your best to help her."Sana said with a sad smile

"Don't worry, Mrs. Chou. Ms. Chou is a strong woman she can fight for her asthma."the doctor said comforting her


Tzuyu's place

"Are you sure you want to rush out the wedding?."Mina asked

"Yes. That's what I think is right."Sana said while fixing Tzuyu's things since the latter is staying at the hospital for a days

"It's always the word 'I think' you're not that sure with your decisions. You must always be sure with your decisions or else you might regret it sooner or later."Mina said as Sana stops from doing her business and look at Mina

"The other doctor said she will be going to be okay but the other two said she is not going to last for years."Sana uttered

"That's why you came with that decision? Do you think Tzuyu will die sooner? Then after she died you and Mark will live happily?."Momo said as Mina stopped her by tapping her shoulders

"I didn't mean that way, Momo ya."Sana said

End Of Flashback


Today was the day Sana will going to marry Tzuyu.

They will be helding it to the hospital chapel. They really put an effort to settle all the things indise the chapel. Their wedding was simple yet elegant as Tzuyu's family have requested. This is the taller's wish, to be married to the girl she love before she died.

Sana was on a room doing her make up while Tzuyu was on her room fixing her dress even if she's laying on the bed. Her family can't help but to feel emotional. They don't know when will Tzuyu will long. They want the best for Tzuyu. They want her last wishes will be her greatest wish.

Walking on the red-carpet that they made. Throwing roses through Sana's way. She can't help but to feel emotional. She don't want to cry. She want to be strong for Tzuyu. She don't want to admit that when it is already in the end she was falling deeply inlove with the latter. She can't just say it out loud. Deeply inside her she was indeed inlove to Tzuyu.

And now that she is going to marry Tzuyu. She feel so happy at the same time sad knowing this days might be her last day.

The tears that she is holding, fall as she saw Tzuyu. How she feel weak but still managed to smile the moment she saw her. Her heart was aching seeing her being like that.

"Y.. You look so beautiful."Tzuyu complimented showing her a brightest smile

"You too."Sana smiled

"Don't cry. I don't like seeing you like that. I told you I will fight for this."Tzuyu said as Sana kissed her forehead

The ceremony started. Tzuyu's family can't help but to cry by the scene infront of them. Little by little Tzuyu was feeling weak. Her asthma often attack her. Saying their vows to each other. Tears can't stop from falling across their faces. Feeling different emotions.

"I.. I love you, Tzuyu ah."Sana then kissed her lips

"I love you too, Sana."

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now