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"I.. I love you, Sana."Tzuyy finally said what she was trying to say since then

"Yo.. You love me?."Sana asked in shock

"Since the day I met you. When we become bestfriends my feelings grew even more. I'm hesitating to tell this to you because..."Tzuyu was cutted off when Sana put her index finger over Tzuyu's mouth

"Because you thought me and Mark is together?."Sana asked which Tzuyu nodded
"Well, you're wrong. Mark and I are just friends."Sana said removing her hands off the latter

"But you said you like him?."Tzuyu asked in confusion

"But I realized that I have already fallen inlove with you."Sana said which surprised Tzuyu she couldn't believe it. Is this really true? Is she dreaming?

"Di.. Did I heard it right? Do you really have fallen from me?."Tzuyu said blinking her eyes many times

"What do I need to do for you to believe me?."Sana then cupped her face

"I.. I don't know."Tzuyu averted her gaze

"Look at me."Sana then use her hands to make the taller girl look at her
"I'm telling you this is true."Sana said as she leaned in slowly

Tzuyu close her eyes as she waited for the next scene to happen.

As when Sana's lips was just centimeter away from Tzuyu.....

*knock knock*

Tzuyu groaned as she sat up from her bed

"Tzuyu ah!!!!! You better get your ass up. Sana is waiting for you!."Jeongyeon yelled as she run back downstairs

"Ugh! I hate this when I am already in the greatest scene.. Unnie really hit the wrong timing."Tzuyu said running her hands through her hair in frustration

She stood up and take a wash from the bathroom.

As when she finished doing her business the scene in her dreams kept on flashing through her mind. It made her smile.

"I love dreaming because in my dreams, you can be actually mine."Tzuyu mumbled with a smile

"Tzuyu ah!!! What are you doing? Get your ass off that bed and get ou..."Jeongyeon stopped when Tzuyu open her door

"It's early in the morning unnie. Please lowered down your voice, okay?."Tzuyu said walking outside her room
"And please don't use Sana."Tzuyu turn her head

"But she is really here."Jeongyeon said as Tzuyu raised her brows

"Jeongyeon ah!! Is Tzuyu already awake?! Tell her that Sana is here!!."Nayeon yelled from downstairs

"Can the two of you be quiet for just a minutes? It's still early in the morning."Tzuyu groaned while making her way downstairs. There she found Sana sitting on their couch

"Good morning Tzuyu ah!."Sana greeted cheerfully

"She's been waiting for you for almost 30 minutes, Tzu. You gotta entertain her. Nayeon kept on saying nonsense things to her just to make her stay."Jeongyeon whispered

"She's just here because she needs something."Tzuyu mumbled

"But still you love her to be here."Jeongyeon said with a teasing smirk, Tzuyu just don't mind it and went to Sana

"Why are you here?."Tzuyu asked which Sana pouted

Oh please don't make that face

"Did you forget?! It's our second Monthsarry of being friends! I'm here to celebrate it with you but it seems like you don't want to."Sana said with a sad expression

"Sorry I forgot it, but let me make it up to you later. I'm just going to take  a shower and we'll go somewhere."Tzuyu said which Sana gladly nodded her head

"I'm looking for that!."and with that Tzuyu started to went upstairs

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now