01 - STARE

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At the canteen while waiting for her friends to arrive, there she saw Tzuyu staring at her through the next two tables. She is not eating her foods, but just staring at Sana, it makes her feel uncomfortable a little. Since ealier she's being like that she don't know what's the reason. Is there something wrong in her face or what to make her stare at her like that.

A few minutes have arrived, Momo and Mina sat besides her wihtout Sana noticing it as she is lowering down her head trying to hide her uncomfortable feelings.

"Sana chan!."Momo exclaims making Sana started

"Why are you being like that huh?."Mina asked

"I... I don't know."Sana answered and lowered down her head again

"Eh? By the way that cute girl is staring at you since earlier."Momo said pointing at Tzuyu's table

"That's why I'm feeling uncomfortable."Sana mumbled but her friends clearly heard it

"She's cute though."Mina said putting her right arms down her chin, staring at Tzuyu

"You like her?."Momo suddenly asked

"Of course not."Mina said as she felt her cheeks heated

"You're blushing, eh?."Momo said with a playful smirk
"Did you know her?."Momo asked as Sana nodded her head

"Yeah she's my seat mate in one class."Sana answered

"She's also part of the dance club."Mina said still staring at Tzuyu

"Hey! Stop staring at her, she might melt."Momo whispered through her ears which made Mina blushed again

"Is she still staring at me?."Sana asked as Momo turn her head to Tzuyu and found her still staring at their friend, but then Tzuyu noticed her looking at her so she immediately averted her gaze to Sana

"Not now."Momo answered

"Uhhh, why is so hot here."Sana said, using her hands as a fan

"Is it because of Tzuyu's stares?."Mina suddenly asked, raising one of her brows

"You know her name huh?."Momo teasingly asked showing her an annoying smirk

"What? Of course she is part of the dance club, why is that so big deal to you huh?."Mina said with a frown which made Momo laugh

"I doubt."Momo said folding her arms over her chest

"Stop teasing each other, we're eating."Sana said as the two made a peace sign

"By the way Tzuyu is a friend of Dahyun right?."Momo suddenly asked

"Yeah, why?."Mina asked back

"Seems like you know everything about Tzuyu."Momo said, again with her annoying smirk

"You're getting into my nerves."Mina said glaring at her

"Who is that Dahyun by the way?."Sana asked curiously

"Her crush."Mina quickly answers

"What?! No she's not my crush."Momo denied

"Oh really? Cause the way you look at her say otherwise."Mina said rolling her eyes

"You just liked that tall girl."Momo said pointing at Tzuyu's table, which Mina widened her eyes and slapped Momo's hands
"Ouch! That was hurt you know!!."Momo said caressing her hand that was hit by Mina

"I told you I don't like her!."Mina screams in a tiny voice

"Oh really? Cause the way you stare at her say otherwise."Momo said copying Mina's tone earlier

"Oh come on! Don't fight here! The other students is already looking at the two of you."Sana said which made them stopped and took a glimpse of the others, she is right they are already looking at them, the two just lowered down their heads in full of embarrassment

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