24. ☆Incarceration☆

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Jimin's POV

When I entered Jungkook's office he wasn't in. Instead Roy was there how could he be here?

"Jimin listen to me" he said when I was about to leave the room.

"I don't want to attorney Roy, please my life is already hard I don't want this drama" I replied.

"Jimin I'm sorry... I didn't know that you didn't like that dinner, of course I should not have forced you to drink and should drop you back to the court... and about the bet, it was Jungkook who decided that and it was just for fun. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings"

Feelings? I don't have any.

"I can't forget everything so easily I need time" I said while Jungkook entered the office.

"Ohh! The two love birds are here?" He asked me sarcastically but I left the room. They both were just using me... am I a slut on which people could make vulgar bets? No matter how much I act to be stronger, it still hurts. The way I agreed to have sex with Jungkook shoved my life off me what if he had said yes? What if he...

I acted strong having faith in Jungkook's straight sexuality but I forgot what he did when he was drunk.

I entered attorney Hope's office. I don't want to see anyone else except Tae and attorney Hope.

Only Tae was there, he stood up from his seat after seeing me.

"Jiminie!! You okay?" He asked me worried. He yet don't know what happened, he called me late night but I wasn't in a mood to explain.

"Yeahh... I'm okay" I said.

"What happened ? I mean when you reached there? Who was the winner? Did they do anything to you?"

"Roy was the winner" I said while helping him with his files.

"He... kissed you?"

"He wanted to" I replied.


"And I slapped his face hard" I said expressionlessly.

"You what???" Tae asked in shock and then started laughing. "Did you really do that? He is a senior tho!"

"Senior my foot, And don't forget I'm the guy who threw 20 Liters of water on the Prosecutor of the entire district, in the middle of the busy court of Justice"

"Yaaaayii!! I'm so proud of my Jiminieee!!" He said while laughing and hugging me.

I didn't tell him what I did after that, I just wanted that bitch Ji-eun to compel Jungkook to divorce me because I can't divorce him because of my father. But instead that bitch broke up with him.

A lady came inside the office and told me that prosecutor Jeon is calling me. Yeah I can't spend my day in peace of course as he is my incharge now until the internship. After that I will run away to another city with my degree.

I knocked his door and went inside but to my surprise Ji-eun was there, after seeing me she kissed Jungkook and left. Gross!!! I took my seat, I hate kisses. Now a days my life is revolving around them, and I hate it, it was my last time kissing someone I'm not gonna kiss or show any fake affection in front of Ji-eun as she is a slut and don't care about his boyfriend. It was useless and hurted my pride because I'm not one of those people who just go and kiss anyone.

"Where were you?" He asked me.

"At attorney Hope's..."

"Why? You should have my permission before going anywhere. I told you to be just in this room since the day first"

He needs a slap too.

"It was for work" I replied and started doing my work. Yeah Jungkook do what you like here because you are my boss and can fail me at any reason, I can't talk back.

He grabbed my arm harshly and pinned me to the wall. "Of course it will be for work because attorney Hope is not gonna fall for your fake charm, but yet you need my permission for stepping out of this room"

"Do not touch me, Prosecutor Jeon" I said while trying to shove him off me but couldn't.

"Why? Where did your sluty attitude go? Don't you want to kiss me now, Jimin? I'm not over with the yesterday's offer"

"I can complain against you, this is sexual harassment" I said and he started laughing.

"And what you'll say? Your own husband who is a famous prosecutor of the district is sexually harassing you?"

*Door Knocking*

"Come in" he said while leaving me, attorney Hope entered his office. I tried to leave but he shoved me at my seat. "Stay here!" He ordered harshly and attorney Hope noticed that. Do I even have a pride? They started talking on their shit and I was attaching the case labels on Jungkook's files, it was hard for me to control my tears from coming out of my eyes. No matter how much I stay strong he always use to trigger my weak point.

My internship turned into my incarceration. I wasn't allowed to step outside of his office, many people came and went. Even Tae used to come for me in lunch times but I was not allowed to go out until the ending of my shifts. Even if I don't have work I was just being a prisoner.

I was okay with that but then he started doing it at home too I wasn't allowed to go outside the house without his permission he always demands a reason and when the reason doesn't suit his cause he doesn't use to let me go. Then he applied a new dress code to me even inside the house, my jeans shouldn't be tight, my shirt buttons should be closed all till my neck even on the warmer days. He is even making me wear a wedding ring, I'm not allowed to talk to any stranger, especially to men. I can't stay out after 8 p.m. I can't go out before 8 a.m. and why I'm listening and bound to do as he pleased? Because he has power over me, he is blackmailing me in the name of my internship. He has all the authorities to cancel my internship and ruin my future as it is my only source to escape from him. I can runaway today but everyone needs money to live on that I don't have yet and for it I have to become an attorney as strong and talented as him to be as powerful as him. Jungkook is a devil and that's what people demand in the field he is in. He is clever and evil he always has a way to deal with the situation and I want to be like him until then I have to deal with my incarceration.


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