26. ☆He Is Under The Trap☆

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When Jungkook woke up Jimin wasn't beside him anymore, he got up stretching himself and started looking at Jimin's room which was now so changed from the room he saw before giving it to Jimin. The room was now more organized, he started looking at Jimin's stuff, a unicorn blood violin caught his attention. "He is indeed the boy who used to play violin as J-hope told me" he said to himself while thinking that Jimin was never a punk neither he has any attitude he just pretends to be strong but is so vulnerable.

He checked Jimin's bathroom but he wasn't in, there Jungkook's brain started working "What the fuck... He escaped" Jungkook rushed down towards living room but Jimin was there making breakfast. Jungkook smiled looking at him and went to his own room, after getting all dressed up for the day he came out, Jimin was yet in the kitchen.

"You are shining today sweetheart, aren't you going today for your internship?" Jungkook asked while leaning on the kitchen counter where Jimin was doing something while looking down. Jimin didn't reply and kept doing his work.

"Hmm... attitude, again" Jungkook said while laughing. "What the fuck is wrong with you Jiminie? Why you are making your life so hard? Why it's always forced to you?"

Jimin looked up to him finally "You are using me as a toy for your pleasure and yet you are asking me this?" Jimin said.

"So what if you are my toy? I didn't want you but your father was the one compelling me to marry you, by the way it's all a past bullshit now... I want you to surrender with your new life already sweetheart"

"Surrender? To you?"

"Of course, be mine forever. You are already mine but I don't want to force you in bed again"

"But you want me in your bed again?" Jimin questioned.

"I'm not sure about it because I'm straight and has a lovely girlfriend but whenever I would be wanting you... I would be wanting you without any force. Look at your beautiful wrists how wounded they are looking" Jungkook said while whispering in Jimin's ear while back hugging him and holding his wrists gently. "I want to be gentle with you next time... don't worry I won't fuck you" Jungkook said in a husky voice while kissing Jimin's neck hickey that he had given him.

"No! NEVER!!" Jimin pushed Jungkook away from him.

"Well... it was just an offer"

"Offer? To be your side slut?"

"I can give you time to think about it" Jungkook said while smirking and left for the court.


When Jimin arrived at the court he called Taehyung to be out at the parking lot as he wanted to tell him everything.

After a while Tae came being all happy and positive like always after seeing him Jimin thought not to tell him anything if someone is dying from pain then why don't just let him be die alone rather than killing others mood and happiness.

But Taehyung is Taehyung he noticed that Jimin wasn't right and being his soulmate he always predict very right things about Jimin.

"What happened? He is hitting on you doesn't he?" He asked all of a sudden being excited while wiggling his eyebrow.

"No. I just wanted to meet you here as he doesn't use to let me be out to you all the time" Jimin said trying to makeup something.

"You are looking so weak Jimin, what the fuck has happened just tell me already"

"He... he is... last night he..." Jimin couldn't finish his sentence and started crying while hugging Taehyung.

"Shh... it's okay! he is your husband, you will get use to it. He likes you Jimin" Taehyung said unaware of the real Jungkook as he yet thinks Jimin is the one doing all the negative things.

"Get use to what Taehyung? To that sexual harassment?"

"It's not sexual harassment Jiminie, it's all your phobia. When people get married they use to have sex and it's okay. Prosecutor Jeon has a right to love you"

"He doesn't love me, he even bit me" Jimin said while showing the hickey of his neck.

"Well that's not a bite and it's an hickey also known as love bite but I'm not complaining as you are inexperienced" Taehyung said while giggling and Jimin stared at him like an angry bird.

"You are not getting it dumbass, he tried to rape me and then called me a slut and said he is straight and is not interested in a boy like me"

"Well now that's savage... is he okay I mean does he has any mental issues or something?"

"My life is being a bitch Tae, now he is offering me to be his side chick but he also said that he doesn't want me or like me, but just because he is curious and I'm priceless he would be needing me anytime"

"I wasn't expecting this much from prosecutor Jeon, he just has lost his respect in my eyes all of a sudden"

"What should I do now?" Jimin asked while leaning at the trunk of his car.

"Tell uncle Park" Taehyung suggested.

"I'm a grown up man Tae, I don't want to make my father deal with my issues as he already think I'm weird and likes that two faced bitch... maybe he won't believe me and if he does, he will say the same as you've said to wait and get use to his touch. As everyone thinks I'm not normal and whatever he is doing is normal because he is my fucking husband"

"Ohh Man!! Having this much beauty is a curse too... hey!!!! Why don't you give his name to Taemin, few punches may help him getting his senses back. What do you say?" Taehyung suggested while Jimin was just in deep thoughts.

"He use to keep a gun and his aim is pretty much good. I don't want this much fuss" Jimin said.

"Tell his girlfriend?"

"She doesn't care being a slut. Sorry Mom! I know I should not say this word to any woman but she just proves it sometimes" Jimin said while looking up at the sky.

"Suga Hyung?"

"He can't do anything against him as my father won't let him be in"


"What the fuck Tae... Roy? Yeah! He is already trying to ruin Jungkook"

"What, When, Where, How?!?" Taehyung asked.

"I over heard his call to someone he wants to ruin Jungkook and wants to be the prosecutor... He can help as he wants my forgiveness" Jimin explained.

"Well can I get back my suggestion? As I don't know why but I'm not comfortable with this Roy guy... I think you should not ask him for help because first thing it's a private matter, second thing I think you should tell that to prosecutor Jeon as he is a devil and sometimes when you try to be good to a devil, he might will be good to you. What do you say?"

"You want be to be his feet? Accept the offer? And be his sex doll"

"No, act like his feet until your graduation than the plan will be all yours and about the offer, he offered you it means he is under the trap of your beauty, utilize it dude!!"

"So you are saying I should act like a slut to him? but this acting won't last long as he will become physical" Jimin asked.

"Yes but not yes and I will tell you how" Taehyung said while smiling an evil smile.


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