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Summary: you're the new trainer for the English squad.
Trainer - you help them regain power after matches idk how to explain more

"Try and be calm. The boys will love you" Mr. Smith, the head of the medical team said. "What if they don't? I've got barely any experience in this domain" you sighed. "You'll learn by time".

"So you know I was just walking and then Deccers throws water on me" Reece James was telling Mason and Chilly. "Hey, who's that girl?" He asked and the boys turned to look at you (like in the picture above AAAAAA). "Dunno, but she's beautiful. What do you say, Mounty?" Chilly asked. Mason didn't say anything, he couldn't stop looking at you. "Mounty fell in love" James wolf whistled, then walked to you and Smith.

"Hello, James. Meet our new trainer, Y/N Y/l/n" he introduced you to the football player. "Hi" you said shyly as you shake hands. Then every player on the team came and introduced himself to you and you were glad you made a good first impression.

"Go and say hi, you idiot" Declan told Mount. "Alright, I'll go" he sighed. You were busy talking with Smith about your schedule and didn't take notice of Chilly throwing a big ass gym ball towards the both of you. "Watch out!" But it was too late. The ball hit your head and you lost your balance, but found yourself caught in someone's muscular arms. "Not funny, Chilly" he shouted, annoyed. "Hey, are you alright? Does your head hurt?" He asked as he placed you on the floor. You were still rubbing your head, more like your red, stinging skin. "Y-yeah" you managed to say. "Take some ice, Y/N" Smith said, handing you a bag of ice. "Thanks".

For the first time, you looked up at your saviour face and you couldn't believe your eyes. "I'm err Mason Mount" he said, scratching the back of his head and smiling at you. "Y/n... Y/l/n... Thanks for saving me" you said, returning the smile. "It was nothing... really" he said, helping you up. "I shall see you around then" you said, attempting to step away from Mason, but you lost your balance again. Mason was there to catch your arm and stabilise you on your feet. "Thanks again" you blushed and continued your way. He watched you till you were out of the room and his eyesight.

You stood on the bench, watching as the boys trained for their upcoming match against Manchester United. "After this, they'll have a shower and then we'll be doing massages. Who do you want to take first?" Smith asked. "Well... Mason" you said quietly. "Alright. It should last around 20 minutes and if you're tired, you can leave them up to me" and then he added "It's your first day" when you wanted to protest. You sighed and turned your gaze towards the pitch, where you saw Rice mocking Mason's run. You laughed quietly and waited for the training session to end.

An half an hour later, the boys headed for the showers and you went with Smith in the Recovery Room and waited for Smith to bring Mason. "Here's your first client" Smith winked, letting Mason come in. "Hi..." he said, laying on one of the beds. "Hey... though training?" You asked as you poured some lavender oil onto his legs. "Yeah... Champions League tomorrow and Tuchel's gone mad" he laughed. His muscles tensed when you first touched him, but then relaxed and he enjoyed your experienced hands.

When you were done, Mason was nearly sleeping. "God, you're so good at this" he said as he got up. "Thank you" you blushed at his words. "See you at the match then?" He asked and you nodded. He turned to leave, but ...

"Yeah" he turned to look at you sitting right in front of him.
You cupped his face and pressed your lips softly on his. He kissed you back in the same manor, sweet and gentle. "Good luck tomorrow" you whispered, looking into his eyes after you pulled away. He smiled and kissed you once more, before leaving to his pals.

Hope you like it 💕

Just sayin' that there will probably be slow updates 🥲

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