American Football game

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Smut at the end

"Hi Maseee"

"Hey Y/N. Happy birthday!" He said, hugging you tightly. "I hope you have the best day gorgeous! I'll make sure it will be" he winked, making you blush. "I can't wait" you giggled. "But why did we meet at the stadium? Is there a game?" You asked. "Yeah, NFL. I know you like it" he said, showing you two VIP tickets. "What? How?" You asked shocked and he shrugged. "You didn't have to" you said. "But of course. You're my best friend, I'd do anything" he smiled. "Who are we waiting for?" You asked. "Ben and Benny" he replied. "But they said we can go take our seats and wait for them there" he added.

You really hoped your seat was near Mason, which really was, but you waited to see who was the person on your left, Ben or Benny. You hoped again for the latter, having more stuff to talk, and because Ben Chilwell was a flirt and you didn't like it at all. He was too full of himself, thinking he was the best at everything. Little did you know that Mason also hated that his friend was flirting with you any chance he got. He wished he was flirting with you, telling him how much you mean to him and confessing his feelings. But he didn't, afraid you would reject him.

The game already started when Ben and Woody arrived, so you said a quick hello to them and focused back on the game. "Did you see that?"
Mason asked. "Yeah, bullshit" you rolled your eyes. "So, Y/n, still single?" Ben asked. "Yea" you replied, not paying attention to him. What drew your attention was his hand on your knee, and his stupid smirk. You tried to ignore him, but it was impossible. Why did he have to be like that and why Mason had to be friends with him? Woody saw all this and excused himself to go show Mason something that meant you had to make some space for him to get to Mase, so Ben removed his hand from your knee.

The game finished (finally) because you couldn't beat to be near Ben for another second. He made enough dirty and flirty comments towards you. "Well guys I'm heading home" you said. "But we have drinks at mine" Mason said. "Yeah but I'm pretty tired" you lied. "But it's your birthday, Y/N" Mason insisted. "No, it's fine. Thank you for this present Mase. It was amazing" you said, softly kissing his cheek and getting in the taxi.

You arrived home and changed into more comfortable clothes when you heard a knock on your door. "Mase, what are you doing here?" You asked shocked. "Woody told me what happened at the game. I'm sorry, I should have known, I should have noticed" he groaned frustrated. "Come on in" you offered. "He's a jerk and I just stood there and do nothing" he said. "It's fine Mase. You're not my boyfriend, so you don't have to do anything" you smiled sadly. "I so want to be, Y/n. I love you and what Ben did it's unforgivable. I'll have a talk with him and put him in his place forever" he said. "Mase... I love you too" you whispered.

He hugged you tightly and you let a few tears wet his t-shirt. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here and I'm not leaving you alone" he said soothingly. "Kiss me" you said. "Is this part of the gift?" He smirked. "No. I wished I will find a boyfriend this year and here I am. I had him for a long time, but was afraid to actually tell him that I love him so fucking much" you smiled. "I love you too. So fucking much" he said, pulling you into a soft kiss, which turned more passionate than any of you intended. It lead you to the coach,  naked, making love for the first time. "Fuck Mase... right there" you moaned, pulling his hair hard. "Shit Y/N... you're so tight and wet for me" he groaned, thrusting into you harder and faster every time. "You looked so hot today at the game" you smiled, then gasped when he touched your clit with his fingers. "Yeah? Did it make you this wet?" He asked smirking, feeling you clench around him. "Yes! Fuck yes, Mase!" You moaned louder as you came on his dick. After he finished, he rolled off you, but kept your body close to his. "Wish we could've done this before. This was amazing" he said and you chuckled. "We could have been friends with benefits" you laughed. "Nah. I'm rather be your boyfriend. Sex and feelings, perfect combo" he said, making you smile.

Hope you like it 💙
This story is for a huge fan of this book because today it's her birthday and I want to wish her a very happy birthday 🥳 I hope you have an amazing day just like you 💖

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