Better than me

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Lap dance part 2

You waited at the airport with Mason, his friends whispering between them when you were around them. You ignored them, thinking it was probably a bit of shock to see their friend going back home with a girl. When you returned from the restroom in the airport, you heard some of their conversation.

"You're taking her home?"
"But she's a bitch. All she does is dance for men"
"Mason, it's not a wise decision. Think about it"

You pretended you didn't hear anything as you walked hand in hand with Mason and sat down near him. "We'll be in London in no time" he said, seeing you yawning. "I count on that. All I want to do is sleep" you said and he chuckled. "You can use me as a pillow" he offered. You laid your head on his shoulder and he kissed your head, before falling asleep.

"Hey sleepy head... wake up... we're here" he softly whispered. "5 more minutes" you groaned, snuggling into his neck. You felt yourself being lift up the chair and you squealed, making Mason laugh. "Hey! That's not how you wake up a lady" you said. "The lady was too lazy it required special intervention" He said as he exited the plane with you in his arms. He didn't mind the people who were taking pics with the two of you, but you did. You thought what people were going to say and how much hate you will receive.

Mason ordered a taxi and the drive to his house was pure silence, only the occasional glances you took at each other. You arrived at his place, a huge mansion with a huge garden. He allowed you in first, taking your bags upstairs while you sat in the middle of the living room awkwardly. "Make yourself at home. I'm gonna order something" he said. You sat on the sofa not really knowing what to do, waiting for him to finish the phone call.

"So I know it's very fucked up but tomorrow I have to be at St. George's Park for the England trainings and I feel so bad for leaving you here alone, without anyone you know and-" you cut him off with a kiss. "It's fine baby... How long you'll be away?" You asked. "2 weeks" "We should make ip for the upcoming lost time" you smirked, sitting on his lap. "Fuck... I'm gonna miss you" he groaned, getting hard under your bum. "I'm gonna miss you more" you whispered, kissing his neck. You trailed down kisses on his bare chest, then played with the waistband of his boxers. "Stop teasing" he groaned. You laughed, but obeyed because you couldn't  wait to have him in your mouth. "There you go. Suck it like a good girl" he groaned, pulling your hair. You took him into your mouth, sucking gently, then you picked up the pace, deep throating him. "Fuck... feels so good" he groaned, bucking his hips into your face. You moaned around him, swirling your tongue around the tip as you massaged his balls. "Fuck... I'm gonna-" he was interrupted by the door bell. "Fuck faster love" he groaned l, wanting to cum before he went to take the order. At this point, you are choking around him and he spilled his load inside your mouth. "Fuck wait here" he said, putting some sweatpants on and running to the door.

When he came back, he saw you still on your knees, waiting for him to give you permission to swallow and he could feel getting hard again. "Swallow it princess" he said, kissing your head. "That's it. Good girl" he said, sitting at the table. "I don't think I'm hungry anymore daddy" you said innocently. "You know? I'm not hungry about this, I'm hungry for something else" he smirked. "What is it daddy?" You asked. "Why don't you go upstairs and you'll find out yourself" he said.

You made your way upstairs, finding his room with ease and seeing that he placed your bags into his room, melted your heart. You got rid of your clothes, laying naked on the bed as you waited for him.
"Such a good girl" he groaned as he entered, closing the door behind him. "So what are you hungry for daddy?" You asked. "Be patient and you'll find out" he said, kneeling between your legs. He placed them on his shoulders, before he attacked your pussy with kisses and sucks. "So delicious" he moaned, licking a long stripe along your slit. "Mase" you moaned. He sucked your clit between his lips while he inserted one finger inside, pumping it slowly. "Don't tease" you said and he laughed. "As you wish". He eased another two fingers inside you, making you arch your back and bucking your hips in the rhythm of his fingers. "Fuck... Mason" you moaned, feeling your high approaching. "Cum for me" he ordered. You not only came, but you also squirted on his face. Your cheeks turned red, covering your face with your hands as he pulled away, admiring what he had caused. "That's was fucking hot" he said, already stroking himself. "Hey... don't be embarrassed" he said softly, kissing your lips. You smiled, looking down at his already hard dick. "You want it?" He asked, running the tip through your slick folds. "Yes daddy" you breathed. He pushed all the way in, the warmth and of your pussy enlightening him. He moved faster and faster, not allowing you to adjust as he just wanted to fuck you the way you deserved. You felt your walls clenching so your hand played with your clit. Mason looked between your bodies, where you met, and he couldn't hold any longer than you, so he spilled himself inside as you milked his cock.

He pulled out, watching a mixture of your cum and his dripping out of you, before attaching his mouth  to your pussy again, in attempt to clean you up. You moaned, already sensitive, and he pulled away when he was satisfied. "We should sleep. I have like 5 hours till I wake up" Mason said, pulling you closer. "Goodnight Mase" you said, kissing his lips.

The Next morning, he woke you up early to say goodbye. "If you need anything, I'll come. You just have to call me and I'll be here" he said. "I'll be fine Mase. Just go there and scored some goals for me" you smiled, kissing him deeply.

It's been 2 days since he left and you started missing him more than you thought, even though he phoned you every evening.
"Hey baby" his smiley face appeared on the screen.
"Hey. I miss you" you said, your hand already going down.
"I miss you too... let me see it" he growled.
"Let me see it too" you countered.

He smirked, but positioned his phone so you could see his hand wrapped around his dick. "Your turn" he smirked. You placed your phone on the headboard so you could have both of your hands free and you opened your legs in front of the camera. "Fuck... you're so wet" he groaned. "Touch yourself" he ordered. You parted your pussy lips with your fingers, allowing him to see how wet you were, the pinched your clit, sending a wave of shock trough your body. Then you slipped a finger inside, moaning his name. "Fuck me..." he groaned, pumping his dick faster. "I wish I could" you chuckled, massaging your breasts and pushing another finger inside. "I wish I could feel that pretty pussy with my cock" he said. "I wish you could fill me up so to your cum, Mase" you said, as you came on your fingers. "Fuck y/n" Mason moaned as he came into his hand and on the sheets. He admired your glistening pussy like he was hypnotised, until someone knocked at the door.

"I'll call you later okay?" He said and you nodded. But he forgot to end the call as he rushed to the door.

"Jayden just told me who you're talking to every day. Is it true she is a bitch?"

"She's not alright. What's so big deal if she has a past? All of us have"

"Yeah but her past can affect your future. Do you want that? Being pointed out because you're dating a woman who slept with numerous men? For money?"

"You don't know her story. If you knew, you wouldn't be judging her"

"Mase, think about it better. Do you really love her or you just want to fuck her? There are plenty in of girls who'd literally jump in your bed. You can have anyone"

"But I don't want anyone. I want her, but you're not capable of understanding that. Goodnight"

You were on the verge of tears, ending the phone call yourself and making yourself a cup of tea. If people thought bad about you, what was the point of living here with Mason? Maybe you weren't able to change your life, you would always be labelled as a bitch, whore who slept with men for money. Mason called you immediately after, but you didn't answer. And you haven't done it for the next day which caused Mason to worry about you.

"What if something happed to her? Fuck! I shouldn't have left her by herself" he was saying to himself. He asked the gaffer for a morning off to go check on you.

"Y/N! Where are you?" He shouted into the empty house. He ran into his room to see your clothes had been packed and your bags nowhere to be found. He tried to contact you, but it seemed like you blocked him number. He found a little note on his bed.
Dear Mason,
I'm sorry, but I can't do this. You deserve someone better than me. Please don't try to contact me. I hope you still score those goals for me.

Yep, he was fucked.

Hope you like it 🥰
Part 3 coming soon 👀

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