Barcelona GP

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"Isn't this awesome?" Mason squealed like a little boy. "Yeah very" you rolled your eyes. "Come on, Y/N, enjoy yourself" Ben said. "I'm not a Red Bull fan and Mason knows it damn well. Why couldn't we stop by Ferrari?" You asked. "Because Red Bull is the best duh" Mason said. "Whatever, I'm going alone" you said. "You let her go?" Ben asked. "She's annoyed. Let her see her crush" Mason replied, focusing on the qualifications. "Mate it's her best friend. Don't be jealous".

"Charles!!! Oh I missed you"
"I missed you too, Y/N. How are you? Where's your boyfriend?"
"He prefers Red Bull, so I came here instead" you shrugged. "You have to introduce us, Y/N. I'm dying to meet him" he said. "You're dying?" You smirked. "After everything you told me, of course. I just want to know my best friend is safe" he joked.
"She is. Thanks for worrying" Mason said, appearing out of nowhere and wrapping his arm protectively around your waist. "Oh you got your Verstappen photo then, baby boy?" You teased him. "Very funny" Mason said. "Charles, this is Mason Grumpy Mount my boyfriend and Mason, this is Charles McQueen Leclerc, my best friend". "Nice to meet you" Charles said. "Likewise".

"Now I know why she fell in love with a cartoon character" Mason laughed. "They do look alike. It's cute" you said. "We should head back to Red Bull" Mason said. "Okay... but first let me hug my best friend" you said. "Good luck Charles. You really deserve to win this" you said to the driver. "Thanks Y/N. And you really deserve to be happy with him, don't let him go that easily" he whispered. "I won't. But he's being kinda grumpy today" you sighed. "Well..." Charles said smirking. "Focus on the race Mister" you said, knowing exactly what he was referring at.

"Oh no no no" you panicked, seeing Charles out of the grid. "I have to check on him" you said, but Mason caught your hand. "We'll go after this is over" he said. "I need to go now!". "Y/N, stopping putting his first place. I should be first place in your life" he hissed. "I'm my first place and you and him are on the same place. Don't make me choose, Mason" you said, hurrying to the Ferrari garage.

"Y/N, you shouldn't be here"
"I knew you needed me" you said, hugging him. "Fuck I hate myself"
"I hate that car. I hate everything" he sobbed. "Shh it will be okay... I believe in you" you whispered, while he let our all the emotions that were tormenting him. "Shh... I'm here". Your phone started ringing. "It's your boyfriend I guess" Charles smiled sadly. "No. It's Ben. Hi Ben. Ferrari. He's giving the trophy? Coming". "Sorry Charles, I have to go. Mase was so excited he'll be presenting the trophy. But we can still talk after" you said, kissing his cheek. "She really loves him" Charles said more to himself. Maybe it was time he wasn't so overprotective over you anymore.

Mason was nervous, but excited at the same time when he gave the trophy to his favourite driver and congratulated him. I mean second favourite, I guess Lando is the first, but moving on. He scanned the crowd for his friends and his pride grew when he saw you. So after all, you've chosen him over that loser.
"How are you feeling champion?" You asked as he lifted you in the air. "Good. Happy my girlfriend is here" he said. "Mase, stop with the possessiveness" you said. "I'm sorry, baby. I don't know what was with me today. I'm feeling like a total ass really" he said. "You were" Ben chimed in. "It's okay, Mase. Maybe I can forgive your sins if you go with me at dinner with Charles and his girlfriend tonight" you said. "Yes! I mean yeah" he played it cool, but you laughed at him.

"And don't bring up today" you warned, finishing your last touches of make up. "No worries" he said. "I'm serious. If you bring it up, I'm breaking up with you".

During dinner, you mostly focused on Alex, Charles's newest girlfriend, trying to make her feel at ease since she was a bit shy and new to everything that was happening to Charles. "It's difficult to be by his side. Ferrari literally fucks him every time" you said. "I know. I'm trying my best to be there for him, but sometimes I just want to punch Xavi. And the whole team" she joked. "Me too girl. I bet I would do a better job than them" you laughed. "You're such a nice person. Maybe we should hang out more without the boys" she said. "Thank you. I really like your company too. And yes, I agree. We need to gossip without them" you said.

Meanwhile, Mason was trying to have a conversation with Charles without being awkward. "I'm sorry" he said. Great way to start a conversation Mason. "It's okay. Bad days happen to everyone" Charles shrugged. "Not about that. About Y/N. I kind of have been a jealous boyfriend today and she doesn't really deserve this" he said. "You don't have to worry about me. She's like a little sister to me and I can stop worrying about her since she found you" Charles said. "Why's Y/N narrowing her eyes at you?" He asked. "She told me not to bring today up. I totally understand what you're going through. You have talent and a great potential for winning, and still they can't do anything to help you out. It sucks" Mason said. "Same situation at Chelsea. Chelsea is my dream since I was a little kid and they are fucking around with my new contract". "That sucks. Maybe we have more things in common that we thought" Charles said.

"So did you enjoy yourself tonight?" You asked Mason after you parted ways from Charles, wishing him good luck for tomorrow. "Actually yes. But my favourite is still Max" he said. "I'm telling this to Lando. Such a betrayal" you laughed. "Lando is my favourite too, just Max is better" he explained. "Double betrayal". "No I— fuck I like them both okay?" He sighed. "Better stop talking, love" you said against his lips. "Make me" he smirked as you pulled him into a sweet kiss. "I hope tomorrow you won't be a grumpy ass" you said. "If you give me more kisses" he grinned.

— race day —
"It's hard being a Ferrari fan"
"I know. Look at her, she's devastated" Ben said. "Fucking hell what do I do mate?" Mason asked. "Dunno" Ben replied.

"Hey... I met Charles a few minutes ago. Maybe you want to talk to him?" Mason offered as he cornered you. "I don't know if he wants to see me like this" you chuckled sadly as Mason whipped away your tears. "I don't want to see you like this either. I'm sure he'll come back stronger, you have to be there for him" he said. "Since when are you so supportive of me supporting Charles?" You asked laughing. "I like your bonding. And he told me he's going to chop off my balls if I don't treat you right" he whispered making you laugh. "So go to him. I'm sure it will do him good. I'll stop by too". "Thanks Mase".

"Y/N, we should go"
"But he's sleeping on me" you whispered. "Just move a bit. He'll wake up" Mason suggested. "Charles... come on... wake up" you nudged him. "Huh? What happened?" He asked. "You fell asleep on me from all the crying" you said. "Oh sorry. Sorry Mason I didn't mean to do that" he panicked noticing your boyfriend. "It's okay mate. It's really peaceful to do that" he said. "Oh yeah cuz Mason had quite a lot to cry didn't you baby boy?" You teased him. "Well, boys cry sometimes too" he shrugged. "So I'll see you around yeah? Don't be too hard on yourself" you said, kissing Charles's cheek. "Thanks Y/N. You being here today was amazing. Maybe you'll bring your boyfriend more" he said, hugging you.

"Wasn't the best race but it was okay"
"I know how to make this day better" Mason smirked. "How?"
He pulled you into a sweet kiss. "Like this and many more back to our hotel room" he smirked.

Hope you like it 🩷
It's kinda shit but moving on 😃

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