We can't

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Y/n being Thomas Tuchel daughter and dating one of the players 😏😏😏

Your father called you to pick him up from Cobham because his car was in service. You parked your car and watched how the players exited the car park and waved at you. Everyone took a liking in you, especially number 19, with whom you started a secret relationship 4 months ago. You jumped a little when the passenger door opened and Mason made himself comfortable in your car. "I didn't know you were picking me up today, darling" he smirked, attempting to kiss your lips, but you loved your head. "Mason, we can't. I'm here for my father and he's gonna kill you if he finds you here. Get out" you said, pushing him out of the car, but he was by far stronger, and he managed to press short kisses to your lips, until half of his body was out of the car. "See you later, sweetheart" he smiled softly.

You sighed, thankfully that your dad didn't see him when he appeared 5 minutes after your little encounter. "First stop, grocery store. I have to buy coffee" he said. You drove him there and waited in the car, texting Mason to let him know that you'll be late for dinner tonight. Your dad came back, not a very happy look on his face like before, and you wondered what happened. "Y/N, I want you to be honest with me" he said seriously. "Dad, what's wrong?" You let out a nervous laugh. "For how long was this going on?" He asked, showing you a picture of you and Mason kissing in the car park today. "Dad, I swear he loves me-" "Bullshit! He uses you for I don't want to ti think what" he said. Your phone buzzed and your father snatched it from you to see a text from Mason, saying that he couldn't wait to cook your favourite pasta. "No dates with Mount anymore" he said, turning off your phone. "But dad, I'm fucking 22! I can take care of myself" you said. "Drive home, please" he said and you sighed.

As soon as you got home, you collapsed on your bed and cried. Mason was everything you wanted in a man, he was sweet, loving and caring, but your dad wouldn't be able to see that. And you thought he had a good opinion about Mason.

Meanwhile, Mason was trying to call you, desperate that something bad happened to you, and he decided to drive to your place, even though he'll probably meet Tuchel and have a lot of explanation to give.
He rang the bell and was faced with a very angry Tuchel. "Dating my daughter behind my back, Mount? You should be happy I'm not killing you right now because I need you in tomorrow's game" he said. "Is y/n okay?"  Mason asked. "She's doing just fine without you" he replied. "Can I see her?" Mason asked. "Listen here. You have two options: go to her, but you're not playing the rest of the season. Or don't go, and you'll play" Tuchel said. Mason didn't even have to think his next move, brushing past his coach. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Never been so sure in my life" Mason replied, already climbing up the stairs to your room.

He slowly opened the door, seeing you cuddled up in the blue blanket he bought for you, dressed in his jumper you stole from him, sniffling. "Love" Mason said softly, brushing your hair out of your face. "M-Mason? What are you doing here? My dad's home" you said, not believing your eyes. "I know, but it doesn't matter. I want to be with you because I love you. Even though that costs me the whole season" he chuckled. "Wait what?" You asked sitting straight up. "Nothing. He's just messing around. Fame got into his head" your father said, passing by with a grin on his face. Mason started laughing, realising it was all a test, but you were confused as hell.

"Somebody explain it to me please" you said sarcastically. "Doesn't matter baby. We can stop hiding and finally show my feelings for you" he said, kissing your lips softly, then going down on your neck.

"No funny noises or I'll change my mind about it, Mount" you heard your father and laughed. "Didn't even plan to have sex with the gaffer's daughter when he's home" Mason rolled his eyes and you kissed his nose. "You'd take me somewhere special" you said. "True. Somewhere you can moan my name as loud as you want" he whispered, smirking.

Hope you like it 🥰

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