Music festival

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"So 9 pm it is. Yeah, we'll be there"
You heard Mason talking on the phone with his friends probably. You just finished showering and it was currently 8 pm, you did your skincare routine before exiting the bathroom. "We agreed to meet at 9, so I hope you'll be ready" Mason informed you, to which you nodded. "Hey, you okay?" You're not being your usually smiley face" he asked. "I'm fine. Probably a bit tired from everything. But I'm fine" you replied, choosing what outfit you would wear for the first night. "We can skip it if you want" he said. "No, it's fine. I really want to go". Well, that was half a lie. You did want to go, but only on Sunday to your favourite artist. Mason wasn't a fan of these events, but his friends convinced him to attend all three days even though he barely knew any artists. You didn't want him not to go because of you since it was clear that his friends didn't have a very good opinion about you. They thought you were too clingy and occupying Mason's time with your bullshit. In reality, you didn't like big crowds, too loud music, too much noise and drunk people, social anxiety and so on.

"I'm ready" you said, finishing your make up. "And we're not even that late" he said, checking his phone. 8:50 pm. "Ha very funny" you rolled your eyes. "It is" he whined, pecking your lips. "If you're not feeling comfortable, we can just stay at home" he said after he called for a car. "It's fine" you dismissed him. You sometimes hated how much he knew about you, but loved that he cared.

You arrived at the concert place and trying to find his friends. TOO many people were walking and bumping into you, while Mason guided you through the crowd. You finally met his group, and greeted each other, than ordered drinks. "Y/N, what do you want?" One of them asked. "Umm I don't want anything thanks" you replied politely. "Come on, just a shot" his girlfriend said. "No, I really don't want anything. I'll just have a sip from Mason" you said. They rolled their eyes, and you felt embarrassed. Why was so bad about not drinking? You could have fun without alcohol in your system. Mason had ordered a glass of Prosecco and you took a sip and immediately regretted. It tasted like shit. "Like it?" Mason asked and by now every pair of eyes was on you. "It's okay" you replied. "Do you want a cup?" The same guy asked you, but you shook your head.
After emptying the cups, you all headed to the main stage, where some DJ was going to play music. "Let's go to the front" a blondie said. "It's a bit too crowded" Mason said. "Let's just sit here. Anyone fancies a drink?"

The music was horrible, and there was smoke in the air, which wasn't very pleasant. Mason had his arm around your shoulders, swaying to the music. "Can we go?" You asked. It was currently 1 am. "We're staying a bit more" he answered. You REALLY wanted to go back to the hotel room. And sleep. You shared one more hour, then returned to the hotel. You were so tired that you forgot about Mason's goodnight kiss, but felt his lips on your forehead while dreaming about killing his friends. JK. But some of them just ugh. No.

The next day, you woke up around 11. Mason was already up and ordered breakfast in bed. "Jake called. We're going out for lunch at 2." He said. "Great" you faked enthusiasm. You loved going out with Mason, but not with those friends because you had nothing to talk with them. And that's what happened when you went out. They started talking about whatever stuff you weren't interested in and when you ordered a Caesar salad, they eyed you. Yeah, you were skinny, but not because you weren't eating. But that restaurant only had beef and fish and you weren't a huge fan of them.

You returned to the hotel, half hungry because you couldn't eat much under their judging glares, so you ordered a sandwich and cupcakes from room services. "Are you feeling alright? You didn't eat much" Mason asked. "Yeah, I wasn't that hungry since I woke up at 11" you replied. "Mkay. I'll go get showered" he said. His friends had the brilliant idea to go later today and stay a bit longer, to which Mason agreed without even asking you. After room services came, you ate and lay down, soon falling asleep.

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