More than okay

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Not okay - part 2

It's been three weeks since you and Mason got together and he already asked you to move in with him. At first, you said no, you didn't want to be a burden for him. But he insisted by saying that 'he wanted to make up for the lost time' and 'it will make him feel happy coming home to you' and you finally give in.

But you didn't regret your decision. Having movie evenings with Mason or just enjoying a relaxing evening on the couch after a game. Like now, when Mason was cuddling you, head on your chest, humming a low tune, while you played with his soft hair. "Remember when you said about our first time?" He asked. "I want to make it up for that" he added. You looked shocked at him and his proposal. "Mason Mount, are you asking if I want to have sex with you?" You laughed. "I hate that you're this smart" he sighed, smiling. "Somebody has to be in a relationship" you shrugged. "Hey! I'm smart okay? Maybe not like you, but I am" he said proudly. "Back to my proposal, what are you saying?" He asked. "Well, I'd like to see how experienced you are" you said, mocking him. "By the way, I had to fake an orgasm back then" you added. "What? But I was so happy with it" he whined. "Exactly. You were so proud of you and I couldn't ruin your mood" you laughed. "I'm so gonna punish you for that" he smirked, kissing your lips.

He got up and pulled you into his lap, while he helped getting your T-shirt off and leaving your chest exposed to him. He attached his mouth to your breasts, sucking and biting your nipples, making you moan softly. "Still a boob guy, Mase" you laughed. "Always a boob guy" he smirked, slipping his hand in your leggings. "You getting wet when I talk to you?" He asked. You had to admit his voice was a big turn on for you. "Wondering how you get if I talked dirty to you" he smirked and you whimpered. "I'd like to find out" he said, taking his shirt off and getting up with you attached to his body. He Carried you all the way to his bedroom, while you peppered his neck and chest with kisses.

He laid you on the bed, getting rid of your leggings and panties in a swift motion, and settling between your legs. "Let's see if you find the clit- OH GOD" You moaned louder as you felt him sucking your clit. "Mase..." you moaned, fingers tugging at his hair. He kitten licked your clit, while pushing one finger inside your folds. "Oh god Mason!" You moaned louder, legs closing around his head. He finger fucked you fast, not allowing you to catch your breath as you came around his fingers. He pushed your legs apart so he could lick you clean, his beard tickling you. "How did I do?" He asked smirking, kissing all the way up to your neck. "Eh I give you 8 out of 10" you shrugged. "Didn't seem only 8 when you moaned so loud" he laughed. "And you came rather quickly. Got something to say to me, Y/n/n?" He asked. "Well... I haven't had sex after we broke up" you blushed. "It's alright baby. I'm here to pleasure you as many time as you want".

He got rid of his boxers, pumping himself in front of you as your eyes widened. "Is bigger now hm?" He asked. "Definitely" you laughed. He kissed your lips while his tip teased your entrance before pushing in. You moaned into his mouth, nails scratching him back. "Fuck" he moaned as he pulled all the way out and in again. "Mase please" you begged him. He started moving, hips slapping yours in a steady rhythm while you moaned his name repeatedly. You locked eyes with him, but he lowered his eyes to the place where you met so you did the same, being overwhelmed with the pleasure he was giving you. "You take me so well, princess. You fee even better than I remember. And your moans are driving me crazy" he groaned, giving you a particular hard thrust. "Is this what you said to every girl you slept with?" You managed to ask. "I didn't sleep with anyone..." he replied, brushing his tip against your G-spot. "M-Mase please... I'm so so close" you moaned. "Let go for me, baby. Show how good I made you feel" he said and he felt your walls clenching around him, which led to his orgasm as well.

He stayed inside for a few minutes to catch his breath, then slipped out and you whined. "You want more baby? You'll get more, but not now" he said, bringing a towel to clean you. "As you want... daddy" you smirked, getting under the covers. "Rate my performance?" He asked, hugging you. "Before that, how do you have experience if you didn't fuck anyone else these years?" You asked. "I guess you're not that smart after all" he grinned, kissing your head. "Okay then... 10/10 for you, Mount" you smiled. "Same to you, baby" he said, pulling you into his chest. "How you feeling now?" You asked. "More than okay. Amazing when I'm with you" he said. "I love you" you whispered softly. "I love you too, Y/N".

Hope you like it 💙
I wasn't planning to write a second part to that story, but I'm so glad I did 🥰

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