Period cramps

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You woke up to a slight pain in your lower abdomen. You thought nothing of it and snuggled further into your boyfriend, until it hit you again, this time sharper. "For fuck sake! It can't be" you whispered yelled, waking up Mason. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked in his horse voice. You didn't reply, just freed yourself from his embrace and ran to the toilet. "Fuck fuck fuck" Mason heard your cursing and immediately jumped out of the bed, checking on you. "What's wrong?" He asked through the door. "I just got my period" you replied. "And I don't have any tampons with me. It was due in one week" you sighed. "Just wait there" he said, before going to search in his drawer.

"Can I come in? Or just crack the door open and I'll give them to you" he suggested. You did as he said and pulled your arm out to get whatever he got for you. "So... I didn't know which ones to buy, so I bought more types" he said and you knew he was blushing. "Okay but how many did you buy?" you asked laughing, being the third package you put on the floor. "As many as needed" he said proudly. You thanked him and closed the door, choosing from the very many options you had. You went back, seeing him change the sheets. "Oh shit I mush have bled on the bed. I'm so sorry Mason" you said feeling clearly embarrassed. "Hey, it's alright. They're just sheets" he shrugged. "But it's not only that, Mason. It was my first night here and I ruined it" you sighed. "It's not ruined, baby" he said. "Yes it is. I knew you had so many things planned for today and I just ruined it" you said. "I don't mind having a lazy day with my girlfriend" he said, hugging you. "Plus, it's too hot to go outside. We'll do everything tomorrow yeah?" He asked. "Yeah. So you're not mad?" You asked pouting. "Of course not" he said, kissing you softly.
"And Y/N?"
"Breakfast's waiting for you downstairs" he smiled.
"Awww Mase" you said, hugging him tightly. He really is the best boyfriend in the world.

After breakfast, you cuddled on the sofa with Mason, you playing with his hair while he chose some movie to put on. "When did you go shopping for all that?" You asked. "Since you agreed on spending the weekend here" he replied. "But that was... 3 weeks ago?" You counted on your fingers. He only shrugged and pressed play.
"What else did you buy?"
"Eh a few things" he said blushing. "Chocolate, caramel syrup for coffee, that Starbucks milk thing you like, bath bombs, facial masks" he rambled. "Wow, you crazy" you laughed. "Well, in case you want to move in with me, I have everything you need" he shrugged. "Really?" "Yeah. I'd like to have you around, especially when I come from games" he explained himself, blushing. "You won't get a minute of peace" you laughed. "Neither will you" he said, burying his face into your neck and placing his hand carefully on your lower stomach. "I'd fuck you every time after a game, good or bad" he whispered. "Mase... don't. I'm on my period" you whined. "I know. That's why you were so horny last night" he grinned, kissing your neck. "You're not getting any for a week now. Muahahaha" you laughed. "You're mean" he pouted. You kissed that pout away and he melted into your touch, pulling you closer to him.

"Let's watch the damn movie" you said, pulling away. He laid his head on your stomach, while you softly scratched his head soothingly. "Can I at least masturbate?" He asked. "Mason!" You whined laughing. "I'll take that as a no" he chuckled, placing a soft kiss to your belly.

Hope you like it 🥰

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