It's all yours

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Y/N not being famous and coming from a modest family and she still isn't used to the extravagant lifestyle of her boyfriend.

"Come on, go ahead. Order whatever you're heart desires" Mason urged you. "I don't know Mase. I really want chicken strips" you said. "We can eat that at home too. Pick something special like foie gras" he said. "But that's so expensive" you said. He sighed, but when the waiter came, he ordered for you too. "Mase! I can make my own decisions" you said, kicking his foot under the table. "I know. I just wanted to make sure you get to eat something delicious tonight" he winked.

He also made the order for the desserts as soon as you were finished with the eating. "Mase, this looks too good to be eaten" you laughed. Of course he had to order the fanciest thing, a small piece of cake with white and dark chocolate, fondant and 24k gold pieces. "The best for my girlfriend" he winked, taking a bite for his piece. "You spend too much-" "It's fine baby. Just enjoy our vacation" he said.

And so you did. You enjoyed being in Milano with Mason, having you spend time with your boyfriend, but he was spending way too much money on everything. "What do you say about this purse? I think it suits you" he said, stopping by a window. "It's beautiful but-" he was already dragging you in the shop, from where you left not only with the purse, but also with 2 dresses. "Mason, wait here" you said, leaving him on a street bench and going into a bookstore. You didn't want to spend much money of them, but they had every book you planned on reading the next three months, so when you were about to pay, a hand with a credit card sneaked from around your back. "Mason" you said sternly. "Let it be on me" he smiled to the cashier. "I can pay them myself, thank you" you said, carefully placing them in your bag and exiting the shop. "Women just want to show us that they are independent right?" Mason said as a form of joke to the cashier, who just smiled.

You went back to the hotel, not in the mood to deal with your boyfriend anymore. He arrived soon after, discarding all the shopping bags on the floor and jumping into bed near you. He cuddled your arms that was holding one of the books up. "Love" he said. "Baby" he repeated when you ignored him. "Are you mad at me?" He asked pouting. "Yes, no, I don't know. You spend to much money on me. People already think I'm with you because of your money which is not true" you said, closing your book with a thud. "Exactly, it's not true. So why do you care?" He asked. "It's because I also feel bad. I have my own money, I can pay for stuff, not very expensive though. You already bought this vacation and you're spoiling me too much" you said. "I spoil you because I love you. You deserved everything. What's mine, is yours too. All of it" he said. "I'm sorry, Mason. I think I overreacted a bit. But I love you too" you smiled, kissing his lips.

"So, you'd rather it pizza than some fancy dinner now?" He asked, after he showed you just how much he loves you (😏). "You know me so well Mount" you giggled, kissing him again.

Hope you like it 🥰

Hellooo what is with this haircut??? I'm sobbing 😭 but I kinda like it 😏

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Hellooo what is with this haircut??? I'm sobbing 😭 but I kinda like it 😏

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