Mount me

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You were in the kitchen when you heard the front door closing with a loud thud and caught a glimpse of your boyfriend running up the stairs. You hated when you saw him like this after another loss, but you knew you had to leave him to cool down.

So you went in your shared bedroom about an hour later, finding him laying shirtless, but still with those training shorts that always have you thinking sinful thoughts. He sensed your presence, and looked down at you, smiling slightly. "Come here" he beckoned, opening his arms. You walked to the bed, climbing on him and resting your hands on his chest. Nothing sexual, you thought, but Mason had other plans.
"Mount me" he said.
"Mount. Me" he repeated.
"Mase I-"
"I know you can. Come on, I'm all yours" he said, encouraging you by squeezing your ass.

You got up to take your shorts off, then climbed in his lap, the only barrier to feel him completely being your soaked panties. "Don't I get to see them?" he asked. You chuckled, taking your shirt—actually his—off, allowing him to leave kisses all over your chest. You started moving, rubbing your pussy on his thigh, while he sucked on your nipples, urging you to go on. "Fuck baby... Riding my thigh so pretty..." he praised, flexing his muscle underneath you, enlightening a soft moan from you. "Let me hear you baby... Love the sounds you make" he said, placing his hands on your hips and moving you faster. "Mase..." you cry out, feeling your high approaching. "Make my thigh pretty baby" he whispered, sucking on your neck as you hit your orgasm, a list of profanities and his name leaving your lips.

Mason could see the cum that was rolling down from between your legs and if his dick wasn't hard before, it definitely was now. You noticed his immense bulge, immediately taking off the sinful shorts and his boxers, freeing him from any restraints. You took your panties off and placed them in Mason's mouth, allowing him to feel your cum on his tastebuds. You pumped his erect dick, teasing your entrance with the tip as you used your liquids as a lubricant and sank down onto him. You both let out a moan as he stretched you out and watched how his cock disappeared between your legs. "Fuck baby you look so hot" he groaned, as you began rocking your hips against his, creating pleasure for both of you. You bounced on his dick, hitting the perfect spots which made you cry out his name. "I'm so close baby" he groaned, hips bucking up to meet your movements. You placed your fingers into his mouth, after you took the panties out, letting him cover them in his spit. Then you touched yourself in front of him, toying with your sensitive clit. "Let go for me Mount" you said. He groaned louder, spilling inside you, which triggered your own orgasm, your pussy milking him of everything he had.

He helped you out, laying you beside him, and pulling you into a hug. "Wanna talk about it?" You asked, breathing in his scent. "This was better than talking" he chuckled. "Thanks for doing the job, babe. I love you" he said, kissing your lips. "Anytime Mase..." you whispered, drifting off to sleep in his arms.

Hope you like it 🤍

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