Exchange student

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"You'll meet her soon. She'll finish her classes and come down for dinner" Debbie said excited. "Can't wait" Lewis smiled.

"You okay?" Sarah asked. "Yes... no? I have no idea. I have to meet the rest of my host family" you said. "I'm sure everything will be okay" Sarah assured me. "What if they don't like me?" You sighed. "Debbie and Tony already adore you, so why wouldn't their kids as well?" "I dunno. Anyways, thanks for helping with the homework. I'll see you tomorrow in online class. Bye Sarah" you said. "Bye. And be confident, Y/n" she said.

You picked up some trousers and a T-shirt for dinner, you usually wore sweatpants, but you wanted to make a good impression. You went downstairs and push your emotions apart. "Oh there she is. Come on, dear" Debbie said. "Hi" you wave shyly. "This is my son, Lewis, my daughter,Jaz and her husband and their daughter, Summer, and my youngest son, Mason" Debbie introduced them to you and you shook hands with each of them. "Let's eat then" Tony said.

"You're not going back for winter holidays?" Lewis asked me. "Oh no. I can't go because of the COVID situation" you replied. "So you're gonna be here for Christmas as well" Jaz smiled excited. "I guess so" you said, stuffing some more food into your mouth. "Than we can play Secret Santa. Christmas is in 3 weeks, we should pick the names now and yeah" Jaz said, already writing names on a piece of paper. "Mason, you're unusually quiet tonight" Lewis said, elbowing his brother. "Just tired, that's all" he mumbled, taking a quick glance towards you.

"So you know the rules. Everyone pick a name now" Jaz said, putting the papers into a hat. "Y/N, you should go first" she said. You fondled with the papers in the hat before extracting one. "Don't open it here" Jaz advised. You stuffed the small paper into your pocket while everyone drew theirs. "What about a FIFA game, Mase?" Lewis asked. "Sounds good" he replied. "Let's watch them" Jaz said to you, picking Summer up. "Not happy with your Fifa ratings?" Lewis asked. "Nope. I deserve at least 86" Mason said confidently, making you giggle quietly. He looked over to you and smiled, though you didn't see that. The boys began playing and you caught up in conversation with Jaz.

You told her about your home country and why you decided to come here to study. "It was a great opportunity and I adore everything about this country, so here am I". Although Mason was focussed on the game, he paid attention to everything you were saying, a smile forming on his lips every time he heard you laugh. "It's getting late" Debbie said. Lewis turned the game off and everyone said goodnight to each other. You went in your room and opened the paper. You almost had a heart attack seeing the name Mason. What were you supposed to get a Chelsea football player who didn't know in person? You fell on your bed and thought you were the unluckiest person on Earth.

Mason went into his room, which was near yours and opened the small paper. His heart skipped at beat when he saw your name written on it. Y/N. Such a beautiful name. What was he supposed to buy you since he didn't know a single thing about you? He fell on the bed and thought he was fucked up for real.

— time skip - Christmas —

"We're gonna put the presents under the Christmas tree and everyone will go and find his or her own" Jaz said. "But I thought we'll give the present in person so we know who was our secret Santa" Mason asked confused. "I decided to change the rules a little bit. But you can ask afterwards" Jaz explained. "Okay...Mase, you go first" Jaz said.
F. U. C. K. You thought. He got up and picked the blue box, with a blue ribbon and his name in your writing on it. You tried to keep it cool so the others wouldn't guess it was you, but it was so hard and he was opening it really slow, taking in every detail he could. "Woah..." he said as he put the blue cap with the three lions on his head, then he unfolded the Chelsea pullover, and he found a small notebook peppered with hearts and stars. He opened it and read what was on the front page of it: For the best player in the world. You deserve a lot. Don't forget I'll always be your fan. ~ Secret Santa ❤️

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