New everything

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"He should've been here 15 minutes ago" you complained to your co-worker. "He's in a new city, bruh. Let the man breath" he replied laughing. "I don't care. I've put up with Ronaldo for a year, so Mount is easy peasy lemon squeeze" you said.

"Hi! Sorry for being late. I didn't know the traffic was this bad" Mason smiled, instantly charming every single person in the staff. "No problem. Y/N will show you around and guide you through all the procedures" your boss said. "Hi I'm—". "Mason Mount. I know. Now, come on, we don't want to be any more late" you said, walking away. "She's feisty" Mason muttered as he picked his backpack and followed you.

"I guess that's it. Now follow me for the medical check" you said. "Will you assist me?" He smirked. "Yes. You're my responsibility now. I'll try to be less annoying with you since you're new and everything" you said. "I don't know if you're joking or not" he said. "You'll find out. Maybe" you said, fretting the medical staff and going to sit in a corner while they did all the tests on him. He took his shirt off and climbed on the running band. You had to admit he was good looking, nice body and all, his signature smirk when he caught you staring. You rolled your eyes, typing away on your phone to distract yourself, but your friend and her 100+ texts didn't help.

Bff name
I heard you're babysitting Mason Mount now 😼
Is he as hot as in those pictures?
I'm kind of jealous of you now
You see him stripping and posing for the pics
Send me a pic pls
Shag him baby
Oh sorry you don't get involved with players
I forgot 🙄 how boring

"Is staring part of your job to?" Mason asked, plopping himself in front of you. "Nope". "Then I feel flattered to receive this kind of treatment" he smirked. "Whatever. Let's get to the photoshoot. You'll have to take like 1k pictures so be ready" you warned. "Love, I was made for this".

"This is so exhausting" he whined. "Told ya. Jimmy there is the best photographer, but he's a perfectionist too" you explained. "My family will be here in 15 and I'm nearly not done with this" he groaned. "I can tell Jimmy you need a break and we can go meet up the fam" you suggested. "We?" He smirked. "I need to babysit you, Mount, so I will kind of follow you around. Get used to it" you said. "And after the first week? Will you still be here?" He asked. "No. My alien friends will come pick me up with their ufo. Of course I'll be here, but I won't be that much after your ass" you said. "Sassy" he said. "Only for the new ones" you smirked.

"Everything okay?" Luke asked. "Why?" Mason replied. "Because you're not paying attention to the game! Where's your mind at?" He inquired, following Mason gaze to you. "Oh. She still didn't open up did she?" He asked and Mason shook his head. "Dunno why. I brought her coffee a few days and then she gave me the cold shoulder. I tried to ask her if I did something wrong, but she keeps ignoring me" he explained. "You know... she had some issues in the past with some players and since then she's keeping her guard up and I got tally understand her. Some of us are assholes" Luke admitted. "What kind of issues?" Mason asked. "Well, I heard a new transferred player tried hitting on her and when they were alone, he was being very touchy, if you know what I mean. She told her boss about it, but obviously the player denied and she was accused of lying and nearly lost this job" Luke explained. "What an ass. Touching a woman without her consent" Mason tutted. "For a while she didn't welcome any players, so I guess you're like the first in a long time" he said. "Maybe that's why she keeps ignoring you".

Finally you were free from your babysitter duties and could enjoy your free day when your phone rang with a message from Mason.

Mason M 🗻
Are you up for lunch today?


Not even a drink? My treat 😁

I told you, Mason
I don't do this things
So leave me alone

Too bad
I'm already at your door
FBI, open up

This man was unbelievable. You opened the door, but not enough for him to come in. "Fuck off, Mase". "Someone's pissed off" he chuckled. "Don't complicate things. Go live your footy life and leave me alone" you said. "I'm not like him" he said and you shivered. How the heck did he know? "Mind your own business, Mason" you said. "I just want us to be friends". "Friends don't do that" you snapped. "Bringing you food at your door. Unless they want to get laid" you continued. "I care about you like you cared about me in my first days here" he said. "I don't need your sympathy or pity. So leave me alone".

A few days passed and Man Utd had their first game at home, on Old Trafford. It was only a friendly match, but you knew it meant more for Mason. So you decided to go to the game even though you've been ignoring him since he showed up at your door. You found him alone in the changing room, day dreaming. "So..." you cleared your throat. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked. "What are you doing here? It's one hour before the game. And I work here, by the way" you shrugged. "You work for the team, not the stadium" he chuckled. "Same thing. Are you nervous?" You asked, sitting near him. "A bit. Debut and everything" he waved it off. "You can be scared you know. Erik won't cut your head down" you said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Thanks. I like that he trusts me". "He gives people confidence when there isn't left" you said. "Well, I better be going. Good luck out there. Score some goals and don't break a leg literally" you said.

"Holy shit"
"What, Luke?"
"That's him"
"He-Who-Shall-Must-Not-Be-Named" Luke said.
"The guy?" Mason asked. "Yep". "I'll break his nose" Mason said. "Don't get a red card on your debut".

"You fucking douchebag!"
"Got a problem, little boy?" The slimy guy smirked. "You have a problem in the head" Mason replied, being pushed away by Luke. "He's not worth, mate". "But Y/N is" Mason said. "Oh is about that little bitch? Then I hope you're getting some pussy because I couldn't" he faked a tear. "You fucking idiot, don't talk about her like that!!" Mason shouted. The referee got a few yellow cards out after the inchident, but luckily not a red one.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I—" Mason began apologising as soon as he saw you by the tunnel, but you wrapped your arms around him tightly. "No one's ever done that before" you said. "What?". "Stood up for me. When it happened, no one believed me. I had to fight my war alone and I almost lost. But you did that for me, even though you acted a bit stupid because you could've got a red card on your debut, but I'm content. Thank you" you said. "You don't have to thank me. You were there for me too when everything was new. And I might took a liking in you" he said blushing. "Really? Well, good to know. I was just about to ask you on a thank-you date" you said smirking. "I can't say no to you" he said smiling. "Mason, come on" Luke said. "Gotta go. Text me about our date" he said, but you tiptoed to him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you. It meant a lot" you said, waving at the boys.

"Mason, still here with us?" Erik asked. "Sorry gaffer. He's got the girl and is daydreaming" Luke explained, making everyone tease Mason.

Hope you like it 🩷
I might do a part 2 🤔 What do you think?

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