Ice skater

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"He was touching you!"
"We're a pair! It's nothing sexual!"
"He nearly had his nose in your pussy! How's that not sexual?!"

You thought inviting Mason to one of your training sessions would be good, but now you were in his car arguing over where your partner's hands, Dean, were.

"It's either he's touching me either I fall! Do you want me to fall, Mason?" You asked. "Of course not, baby" he said softly, massaging your thigh. "Then shut up about it!" You said, removing his hand and looking out of the window. "I don't need your jealous ass one week before the most important competition in my life" you said. He remained quiet as he parked his car in the garage.

"I'm—" he didn't get to finish because you already opened the door and let yourself inside the house. Mason sighed, hitting his hands on the wheel.
He followed you, going in the kitchen for a glass of water saw your phone on the kitchen table, and he made the mistake to look at it.

Dean 🤍
The dress is beautiful 😍 I'll find a suit in colour blue to match yours. See you tomorrow xx

"What's that, Y/N? Are you trying wedding dresses with this asshole?" He asked as he saw you typing a response and smiling. "The only asshole here is you" you replied. "So you're cheating on me with him? You're fucking him, don't you?" He asked. "Mason stop". "No, I want to know. He's already touching my girl so I wouldn't be surprised if he next he fucked you" he continued. "Mason, just stop!! Stop being a jealous asshole!" You yelled at him. "I need answers, Y/N. You can't be just friends with him, I've seen the way he looks at you" he said. "You saw shit! I'm not arguing over my job with you! I thought you understood..." you said quietly. "I understand, baby, but I don't like people to touch what's mine" he said, trying to hug you but you denied it. "Baby..." he pouted. "Goodnight Mason" you said, going in your shared bedroom to pick some clothes to sleep in one of the guest rooms.

"I'm sorry Dean" you said as you missed a jump for the third time in a row. "Are you okay?" He asked, helping you up. "Not really...". "Coffee after training?" He asked and you nodded.

The nightmare of a training was finally over, and you were sat with Dean talking and drinking tea. "My boyfriend thinks we're fucking. We had an entire argument about it yesterday" you explained. "What an asshole" he muttered. "I thought he understood that this is my job because I understand his and I'm not complaining that he's away more than he's home, but he's complaining about you touching me when we do our job" you said. "I see with my little eye... jealousy" Dean grinned. "Yeah, he's a jealous asshole" you sighed. "I'd say you should talk with him. We don't want you moody at the Championship" he said.

"Where are you going?" Mason asked. "Tomorrow I'm leaving for the competition. Remember? I told you 2 weeks ago" you said, neatly folding some clothes. "I forgot" he said guilty. "Of course you did. You were too invested in being a jealous ass than a supportive boyfriend. But that's fine, I have Dean if I need an emotional punching bag" you said, zipping up your suitcase. "I'm sorry okay? I overreacted over nothing... Please look at me, baby. I won't see you for the next 2 weeks" he begged, making you look at him. "Mason, we had this entire week to make up and you kept ignoring me. I don't need your shitty excuses Now" you said. "But I'm sorry... I love you so much" he said, forcing you into a hug. "Good luck baby..." he whispered, kissing the top of your head.

Next moment in the morning, Mason woke up alone. Usually, he would be the one to leave first, but today it was you who left him. He felt a pang of sadness in his chest, he didn't know why he felt like you broke up with him, not even waking him up to say goodbye.

— a few days later —
During the second half of the game, the team officials received the news of your injury. Potter immediately subdued Mason off, him being very angry about it without knowing the reason. Then he was shown the news and his head immediately sank. You were hurt.

"Everything's fine, you woke up" Dean said, holding your hand. "What happened?" You asked. "I dropped you. I'm sorry" he said. "No, it's my fault. My head was somewhere else and—". "Mason here. Do you want to see him?" He interrupted you. "Yes".

"Is she okay? This is your fault you asshole" Mason said, taking him by the collar. "The only asshole here is you. She's like this because of you and your jealous ass" Dean said, pushing him away. "And by the way, I'm gay. But if I was straight, I would protect her with my own life and love her as much as she deserves" he said.

Mason slowly opened the door, carefully sitting on the bed near you. "Hi" he said quietly. "Hi". He leaned in so his head was close to yours, but not touching you, and you felt his burning tears on your cheek. "Mase..." you said, fingers brushing through his hair. "I'm sorry... you could've been worse and it would have been my fault" he sobbed. "Mase...". "No, Y/N, I was a dick, an asshole, a jealous idiot and I didn't realise I was hurting you... I'm sorry for what I said, of course I understand your job, love, I'm sorry this had to happen because of me" he said. "Mase... you flew all the way here? For me?" You asked, eyes watering. "Of course. I'll go over the moon for you. You mean so much to me, I can't bear seeing you hurt" he said. "Mase, I love you" you whispered. "I love you too" he said, pecking your lips softly.

After the accident, you were allowed to go home and Mason was treating you like a princess. And because you weren't allowed to train for a whole month, Mason invited Dean for dinner on Saturdays. You loved seeing the two most important boys in your life finally getting along, even though Mason was annoying the hell out of Dean, beating him at FIFA. "I'll see you on ice" Dean said. "Love the idea, Dean" you winked at him, Mason's mouth agape. "It okay, Love. I'll help you not fall your ass off" you laughed. "Ha ha very funny" Mason said amused.

Hope you like it ❤️
Apologies for not posting, but I have a lot to do for Uni 🥲 and Mason's situation with the contract talks is pretty shit at the moment and he's going through a really bad period 😢 and I don't really have motivation to write for him at the moment, though I want to post at least 2 stories/month, so hopefully I'll be able to do that ☺️ And if not, I'm really really sorry 😞
And I'm in my Pedri era, so please check the other one shots book 🫶🏻

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