Romance writer

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Smut at the end

You just finished writing a new chapter of your newest book when Mason arrived home from training all sweating and cursing underneath his breath. "Mase? Are you alright?" You asked, making the final edits on the chapter. "Training was shit. How about you? Got any inspo?" He asked, making his way to the kitchen to grab himself a bottle of water. "Yeah, I really did" you smiled. You hadn't entirely told Mason about what you do. You're a romance writer (smut included), but you had a pseudonym, so few people knew about you being behind the great Adelle McFray. Mason knew that you are a writer for a magazine, which was true... like 3 years ago when that was your first job which motivated you to let your thoughts on paper. You didn't have the confidence to put on your real name on the cover of your first book, so you came with the pseudo.

Currently, you were writing the third book in the 4-5 books Serie that you started one year ago and it was a huge success. You haven't decided how many books will there be, but seeing as fans were hungry for more, you knew there should at least be 4. Mason knew you sometimes shrugged with inspiration, so he was the supportive boyfriend he always is. "What's this article about?" Mason asked. "Fashion trends this autumn" you lied. "And what are those?" He asked. "Brown, pumpkin orange, red" you listed some random colours that match an autumn aesthetic. "Cool" he replied. Your phone began to ring out loud. You usually turn your phone off while you were writing, but you were waiting for an important call from your publisher and designer. "I have to get this" you said to Mason, going in another room to talk with your team, leaving your laptop open on the coffee table in the leaving room.

After a few minutes, you came back to the living room only to find Mason with your laptop on his lap. Shit. He looked up and the colour drained from your face. "Are your writing for a sex magazine?" He asked, startling you. "No Mason, look, I can explain" you said, panicking as he put the device down, and took steps towards you. "There's no need for that, love" he said in low voice, brushing a strand of hair from your face. Your whole body started shaking. What if he wanted to break up with you? What if he found it weird and didn't want to have anything to do with you? His next words shocked the hell out of you.

"My girlfriend is the best selling author at the moment and she's been keeping it from me this whole time" he beamed and hugged you tightly, spinning you in the air. "You're not mad?" You asked, your voice shaky. "Of course not. Though, I'm sad you never shared this with me" he pouted. "I'm sorry" you sighed. "It's alright baby. We can catch up on the couch after I take a shower because I stink like shit" he said and you laughed.

While he took his precious shower, you made two cups of tea and settled with two blankets on the couch. He came soon after, his hair still damp making him look hooter than ever. "Spill" he said, taking a seat near you. "What do you want to know?" You asked.
"I don't know where to start" you chuckled.
"Where it all started" he helped you.
"Right. So I didn't entirely lied when I told you I'm a writer for a magazine. That was my first job and it was nice until I realised I don't want to follow their bullshit rules, so I started putting my thoughts on paper. And that's how the first book came out. I thought no one would read it, given the fact that I was a new writer and no one knew about me, but it blew up" you explained and he listened attentively. "Then I met you and I didn't want you to freak out about knowing who I was. Then the second book came out in less than 6 months and now I'm witting the third book. I don't know how many books will there be yet. And the phone call I just took, it was my publisher. He said that the designer finished the first draft of the cover and he's gonna send it to me to see if I approve of it. And that's it" you finished, fidgeting with your fingers in your lap. "That's... amazing, baby. You're so talented and I didn't even know. I would have showered you with roses, chocolate and sex" he said, engulfing my hands in his.

"Any higher questions?" You asked, taking a sip of your tea. "Do you... get inspired by our sex for those scenes?" He asked and you nearly choked on your tea. "Sometimes. Sometimes I imagine more than we do" you shrugged. "Fuck. You're kinky" he smirked. "How do you know?" You eyed his suspiciously. "Uhh" he shifted uncomfortably. "Mason Mount, have you been reading my books?!" You asked shocked. "A little. It helps me calm myself after a rough training or game" he blushed. "Aww that's so cute" you giggled. "Don't tell anyone. Our little secret, Adelle McFray" he whispered, kissing your lips.

"So... anything on your mind that you would like to try in bed before you write them in your book?" He asked. "Maybe... Are you up for a challenge?" You asked. "Always" he groaned, pulling you into his lap.


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Liked by masonmount, reecejames and 876.902 others
adelle_mcfray Third book out this month 💙💙💙 Pre-order it now on and be the lucky winner of a signed copy. Thank you all for the support on this book. Love you all xxx

masonmount Congrats 🎉
↪️ reecejames whipped bro
↪️ adelle_mcfray Thank you Mase <3

fan1 I've been waiting since the first book. This is gonna be bombastic
↪️ adelle_mcfray 👀

fan2 Is this book about Mason Mount?
↪️ adelle_mcfray Maybe 👀
↪️ masonmount Maybe all of them are 😏
↪️ adelle_mcfray Shut up, you're full of yourself 🙄

"And now you're full of myself, aren't you?" He asked, pounding into you at a fast pace. "Mase... Oh God" you moaned, feeling his thick cock sliding in and out of you. "You better write about me destroying this pussy in your next book" he groaned. You clenched around him as you came, your orgasm hitting your hard, better than anything you've ever imagined. He groaned as he spilled himself inside of you, your pants the only sound breaking the silence in the room. "I love you" he whispered, kissing his way up to your lips. "I love you too" you said, kissing his swollen lips as he pulled himself out and cuddled into your side. "Best way of celebrating 1 million sold copies in less than 5 months. Can you believe it?" You squealed. "It's not hard to believe when my girlfriend is the most talented writer on the planet. And she also has a very beautiful imagination" he smirked, spooning you until you both felt asleep.

Hope you like it 🥹🫶🏽

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