Proud of you

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"You don't have even understand what I'm talking about" you laughed at his concentrated face. "Maybe... but I like you explaining things you worked hard on" he shrugged. He really loved it when you showed him your work for Uni, even though he was not a fan of economics. "I know numbers aren't the most excited thing in this world" you chuckled. "But you make them interesting. And you voice helps with that" he said. "So this project is for tomorrow as you said?" He asked and you nodded. "Are you ready with it?" . "Yeah why?" You asked. "I ordered some of your favourite food and I don't want to dine alone" he pouted cutely. "Is this a date, Mason Mount?" You laughed. "We can call it that if you want".

"I'm full" you said, plopping on the couch near Mason. "Dang! I thought there was still space for my dick" he joked. "Well, maybe... if I wasn't so tired. I need to wake up early tomorrow to get ready" you said. "Okay baby. Sleep tight. I'll play some games and then go to bed" he says, kissing your lips.

The next morning, you woke up and couldn't get out of bed because your boyfriend looked adorable, his fluffy hair sticking in every part, his slightly parted lips that you wanted to kiss so bad. But you had a presentation and your life depended on this (even though you haven't told Mason yet). So you got dressed, kissed the top of his head and headed into the kitchen.
Good luck, baby. You'll do great. I love you.
He texted you right before you turned off your phone and entered the conference room.

"So, how did you do?" Mason asked. You were already at home when he came back from training. "They loved it! Said we'll keep in touch, but they are 85% sure they'll hire me" you said, jumping into his arms, failing to notice what he was holding. "I told you, smartass! You didn't have to be that worried" he said. "Congrats, love, these are for you. And a bit to celebration tonight" he said, giving you a bouquet of red roses and the takeaway he'd gotten for you. "Aww Mase thank you so much" you said, pecking his lips.

"My little smartass independent girlfriend". "Shut up" you giggled, hiding your face into his bare chest after he rewarded you just like you do with him (😏). "I love you so much" he whispered, kissing you again. "I love you too, Mase. Thanks for being there for me". "Always".

Hope you like it 🩵 it's kinda shit because it stayed in my drafts for a long long time and I didn't have any ideas really so yeah 🥲

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