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Request - smut

"I bet you can't keep your hands off each other" Ben said amused. You were currently having a games night with Ben, Dec, Kai and Sophia and Mason's been super touchy with you. "Pff please. I can totally do it. The problem is Mason" you shrugged. "Really? I'll show you I can do it" Mason said. "Oooo. I like a good bet" Dec said. "And let's make it more interesting" Ben grinned, pulling out the game you dreaded the most. Twister.

"One week, no touching. I'm counting" Ben said. "But this game is an exception". 5 minutes later, Mason was hovering over you, his dick poking your back while your hand nearly touched Ben's ass. "Shit! This game's harder than I remembered" Ben said, moving his left hand so he was face to face with Mason. "No shit really" Mason groaned as you moved your ass up and down his crotch. "Okay I give up" Mason said, getting up. It was just you and Ben left and Mason was bubbling with jealousy because there were a few times when Ben's arm brushed your bum or how your lips were so close.

"Well, that was interesting, but at least I won" you said, cleaning the plastic cups. "Yeah wonderful" Mason muttered, helping you. "Is it because of the bet? You're grumpy, my poor baby" you cooed. "No, yes... You know I cannot not touch you. It's my love language" he pouted. "I know, Mase. But it says no touching, we can kiss" you said, pecking his pouty lips. Just then Mason got a text from Ben.
No kissing either

You're mean 😑

Sorry not sorry

"He's mean" you said, peeking over his shoulder to read the conversation. "Can we sleep together?" He asked. "You heard what Ben said and wrote. We have to sleep separately" you sighed. "Then goodnight, baby. I love you" he said. "I love you too, Mase. Sweet dreams". "Won't be the same without you or your kisses" he said, making your heart swell. Of course you couldn't sleep, so you made a plan to make Mason give up and lose the bet.

Next morning, you put on some sexy panties and an oversize t-shirt of his (the red one) and made your way to the kitchen. "Morning" he said, barely paying attention to you. "Morning. What do we have for breakfast?" You asked, rummaging through the cupboards, purposely showing your bum to him. "Eggs, bacon, salad,..." he trailed off. "Yeah?". "Yeah. You're making it hard, love" he whispered. "Making what hard?" You teased. "This whole bet. You want me to lose huh?" He said, stepping closer to you. "Maybe...I need you, Mase" you moaned. "Sorry I have training" he smirked, leaving without a goodbye kiss.

"So how's the bet going?" Ben asked. "Good". "Good? You came here with a hard on" Ben chuckled. "Well, it's pretty tempting you know".

Back home, Mason couldn't get rid of his boner. He took a cold shower and nothing happened. Then he found you sprawled on the bed, playing with your sex toys that you owned before meeting him. "Such a dirty girl" he said, snapping you out of your trance as you played with yourself. "Who said I need you to get me off?" You asked. "You can watch". He sat and watched you circling your hole, before pushing your blue dildo inside inch by inch. His hand was already in his pants, stroking over his sensitive tip. "Fuck..." he moaned, fisting his dick harder. "Mase.... You're so big" you moaned. "I'm your good girl". That's all it took for Mason to push your hands and toys away and push himself inside you. "Fuck" he groaned, pumping in and out of you. "Mase... we... fuck... I won" you smiled. "I won" he said. "I won this fucking pussy to fuck whenever I want". He came much earlier than he wanted too, but you followed soon after, catching your breath.

"So I guess Ben was right. We can't keep our hand gf each other" Mason mused. "Yeah...". "Let's not to do this ever again. I almost died not touching you" he said. "I agree. I love you so much, Mase. I need to touch you and your touch. Sexual or not" you said, snuggling into him. "Guess I can text Ben now" he said, picking up his phone.


I lost
Ha ha
Knew it


Now you gotta be her
slave for a week

Wow nice thanks Chili 🙄

"He says I have to be your slave for a week"
"Then you can start with making up for the sex" you giggled. "Oh you tell me" he said, kissing you deeply.

Hope you like it 🩷
And sorry for not posting, I didn't/don't really feel like writing smut :/

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