The blue jumper

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"Mason, it's literally 35 degrees outside" you said, rolling the your eyes at your boyfriend. "I'm gonna go with the blue jumper and you don't get to say anything" he said. "You're gonna melt like an ice cream" you said. "Then you better lick me off" he smirked. "Mason!" You groaned at his cockiness. He began arranging his hair, not so much since he was almost bald, and you took the opportunity to snatch the jumper from him. "Give it back" he groaned. "No" you laughed, making a run for it in the house. You knew you had no chance against him, he always caught up with you, and that's what happened this time, you both felt on the sofa giggling like two kids. "Give. It. Back" he punctuated each word with short kiss to your lips. "I. Would. Rather. Die" you laughed. He looked at you dead in the eyes, slowly lifting your dress up. "Mason, we don't have time for that now" you said blushing. "Then give it back and I won't do anything" he said, brushing his fingers on your thighs. You sighed, giving him what he wanted, to which he kissed you thank you.

You arrived at Silverstone, you wearing a medium length orange dress and some sneakers, and Mason, well, black trousers and the blue jumper. People would say you have no taste in dressing like a couple, but Mason didn't care about that. He led you trough the crowd until you reached the Red Bull garage, and snapped pictures with him and the guys.

"Yes come on!" Mason shouted, waving his fist in the air. You giggled, he really discovered a new passion and you were there for it, though you didn't get all the fuss about F1. The weather started getting colder, your phone telling you that it might rain as well, and you groaned, already feeling goosebumps forming on your skin. "Are you cold?" Mason asked. "A bit" you replied. "Now you wish you had a jumper like me" he said, proud of himself and you rolled your eyes. "Whatever. Can you borrow me your fantastic blue jumper?" You asked, feeding his ego a bit. "Hmm... no" he said, turning his attention back to the race. "Fine. Then probably that guy in the second row who made giggly eyes at me would definitely give me his-" you didn't get to finish because Mason was quick to pull the jumper over his head and handing it to you. "Thanks" you smiled, kissing him.

Soon, the rain started and you were lucky to bring your umbrella, both you and Mason cuddled underneath it. "I love you" Mason said, cuddling his face into your neck even more. He began to get sleepy, probably for the lack of sleep in the last days and because he had such a busy schedule, so you let him use you as a pillow. "Love how that jumper look on you, baby" he said, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. "Thank you, baby. I'll reward you when we get home yeah?" You said, taking his hand that was in your lap, into yours. "Really?" He asked, his sleepy ass instantly vanishing. "Yes, but after the race is over and you go congratulate Max and Lando" you said, pinching his nose.

He kissed you shortly, before focusing against on the race, which had been interrupted and now it continued, thinking of the many possible you could reward him.

Hope you like it 🥰💙

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