My mommy

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Mason gave the hoodie to your kid. You know the kids from the beginning of the match that stand in front of the players while the hymn is played?

"Here you go kiddo" Mason handed his hoodie to the kid standing in front of him. The kids from the Chelsea academy. "Thank you" the brown haired boy smiled and Mason put the jacket on his little shoulders.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mason Mount gave me his hoodie!" Noah came running to you. "That's great, dear. Did you thank him?" You asked, always teaching your kid to say the magic words. "Of course, Mommy! I smiled at him and he smiled at me too" he said very excitedly. "He's a nice person, isn't he?" You asked and he nodded. You took your son's hand into yours and began walking to the car.

You heard somebody shouting after you. You both turned around to see one of the Chelsea players running towards you. "Mommy, that's Mason Mount" your son said. "Hey, Noah right?" He asked, crouching down to your son's level. "This is for you" he said, handing him a t shirt. "Thank you so much! Mommy, look! I have a t shirt and a hoodie from Mason!" Noah said. Just then Mason looked up and was met with the most beautiful y/e/c eyes he had ever seen. He quickly got up and introduced himself, to which you answered with a smile. "Thank you, Mason! Good luck in the next games" Noah waved at the player while you went to the car. "See you little one" he said.

"I guess she's a single mom"
"Does anyone know anything about when the kids have training?" Mason asked his teammates. "You really are obsessed" Ben laughed. "No, I just want to see how Noah is doing. Teach him some stuff" he said. "They have one this afternoon" James informed. Mason stayed behind and went to the training grounds and watched the little kids running around, reminding him of himself.

"Hey, Noah, over here" he waved.
"Mason Mount! What are you doing here?" He asked
"Came to watch you play. Nice tactic. Is anyone picking you up?" Mason asked.
"My mommy. But she said she will be late because of work. She works very much for me to have everything. She's the best mommy in the world" Noah said. "And where does she work?" Mason asked. "Something with numbers. But it's a hard work, she says. You have to be very careful because you can mess up in a second" he explained. "And what about your father? Where does he work?" Mason asked. "I don't know. Mommy doesn't talk about him" Noah shrugged.

"Sorry for this. Did you wait a lot?" You asked your son as he came to hug you. "No, mommy. Mason came to keep me company. We talked about football and about you" Noah said. "Yeah? You get along well?" You asked as Mason made his way over. "Yes!! I'm his little best friend" he said. You were happy for him, he hadn't been very friendly to any males aka the men you went on a date or two, but with Mason they just clicked.

"Hey, you okay?" His voice brought you back to reality. "Yeah, I'm just tired" you replied, finally looking at him. "Do you have a car? I can drop you off if you want" he asked blushing. "No, I didn't take the car today, but that would be lovely of you" you said. "We're going with Mason's car!!" Noah giggled.

After that afternoon, Mason asked you on a date. And another date and so on. Noah and you spent some Saturdays or Sunday at Mason's, when he didn't have a game, Noah being completely fascinated by him. He wanted to become a football player more than anything now.

You were on the coach with Mason, your back pressed against his chest as he softly peppered your neck with kisses, while Noah was playing FIFA. "Mase" you whispered, pulling away from him. "What?" He pouted. You gave him the look and he sighed. You didn't go for more than heavy make outs in his car, but you really wanted to. Mason was hot, attractive and handsome, and he had a great personality. He accepted you as you were and Noah too.

"You're spoiling my fun" he mumbled into your neck.
"Fun later" you smirked.

"Daddy!! I won 20-0!!" You both looked shocked at Noah. "That's... that's great" Mason said, shock still plastered on his face. Noah then got up and went to the bathroom, leaving you alone. "So... that was..." Mason began but you were quicker than him. You crawled into his lap and kissed him hard on the lips. He gasped and squeezed your ass, your tongues dancing together. "Is that a 'I want to take it to the next level'?" He asked smirking. "What do you think it is?" You asked, pecking his lips a little more. "A green light for me" he replied, placing you back on the sofa as Noah reentered the room.

— time skip —
"This date was amazing, Mase" you smiled as he helped you with your heels. "You were amazing" he replied. You both knew what was going to happen now since you dropped Noah at your parents to have some alone time together. He was going to make you his and you were so damn nervous. What if he didn't like your body? What if he would throw you away like your ex did?

"Hey, you okay?" He asked as you stood like a statue at the door of his bedroom. "Yeah" you replied. "We don't have to do this. We can wait a little more until you're ready" he said. "No, I'm fine with this, just... I don't know... I don't want to disappoint you" you explained. "You can't. You already amazed me" he smiled, leading you to the bed. He started kissing your neck, slowly unbuttoning your shirt, when you stopped him. "Is everything okay? We don't have to do this" he asked panicked. "No, Mase, it's not that I don't want it. I really fucking want this. It's just... I don't want you to think anything else about me, like my boobs aren't that big and stuff. I've never been with anyone since Noah's birth. Let alone have sex" you chuckled sadly. "You don't have to be scared. And I love you just the way you are" he smiled. "You love me?" You asked. "Yes. I love you, y/N. And I love Noah too. We're a family now" he said and you kissed him deeply. Fuck, you even undressed him and let him finish undressing you.

You felt vulnerable under him, his eyes were roaming over your body as to decide from where he should start. He began with open mouthed kissed on your chest, circling your nipples with his tongue and biting them softly. "Holy shit" you moaned, new feelings washing over you. He trialed down kisses, then he stopped and watched in awe. "I've never seen anyone this beautiful. You're perfect, Y/n" he whispered, burying his head between you legs and licking a long stripe down your slit. "FUCK MASON!" You moaned louder. He ate you out perfectly, sucking on your clit and tongue fucking you until you reached your first climax. "I'll have to get you ready for me" he said, licking your cum from his fingers. You eyes were on his bulge, you already knew he was big and he need you to be prepared to take him. He circled your hole before pushing a finger inside. This had you screaming his name and bucking your hips up. "Easy pretty girl" he chuckled, pushing your hips into the mattress as he added another finger. His thumb was pressed on your clit, while his fingers worked his magic on you, bringing you to another orgasm.

Mason stood up, took off his boxers and placed himself between your legs, gathering some of you juices on the tip of his cock. "I fucking love you" he whispered, before kissing you and pushing himself inside. He swallows your scream and your moans, kissing your harder while thrusting into you hard and slow. "You're doing so well for me, pretty girl" he praised you, hitting your G spot. "You're so tight and wet and warm and ready for me. Ready to take my cock like a good girl" he smirked, fingering your clit. "Mase... please... I'm...." You moaned. "You're close? I'm right behind you, baby-girl. Let it go" he said and you came on his cock for the third time this night. He followed soon after, your pussy milking him from everything he had to give you.

You cuddled into his chest afterwards as he carefully covered your bodies with a blanket. "That was amazing" you smiled blushing. "You were amazing, love" Mason said, kissing you softly. "I can't wait to go to the next level with you" he smirked. "Huh?" "Don't underestimate my abilities in bed, babe" he winked. "Why don't you show me now?" You smirked. "We'll have plenty of time for that. How long is Noah staying at your parents?" He asked. "For the whole weekend" you replied. "Then we have two whole days for ourselves" he said, kissing the top of your head. "I love you, Mason. And Noah loves you too" you said. "I love you both too" he smiled. "And we're gonna have a lot of fun this weekend" he said, wiggling his eyebrows to which you laughed and cuddled even closer into his chest.

Hope you like it 💙

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