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Requested by (I think) the biggest fan of this book (sorry I can't tag you 😭). Thank you for reading and commenting amazing thinks. They are really making my day and keeping me going on with these stories. Tysm 💖

Smut yummy yummy

Mason came home from the game tired and wet. He need to shower, but he slumped against the sofa beside you. "Mase, you need to shower. You stink" you giggled as you brushed your finger over his beard. "I'm so tired, Y/N... Would you mind helping me?" He smirked knowing you wouldn't say no. "Alright, let's go, you big baby" you pinched his nose.

He waited for you in the bathroom in his wet blue kit. "Undress yourself" you said. "Help me?" He asked with puppy eyes. "I swear no one is doing such things for their boyfriends" you sighed, pulling his shirt over his head. "That's why you're special" he whispered softly as you took his thermo shirt off, revealing his perfect toned chest and abs. You smirked as you played with the waistband of his shorts, so you pulled them and let them slap his skin. "Ouch! That hurted" he whined. You laughed and pulled them down to his ankles where he kicked them away. "You do the next part" you said. "Come on, you're used to it, baby" he grinned, remembering the quite a lot times when you were on your knees, sucking him off. You rolled your eyes and pulled them down, eyes widening at how big he was.

"Go in the shower. Come on" you urged him. "You're not coming?" He asked. "Do I have another choice?" You sighed. "Then let me help you with the clothes" he smirked, tugging at your shirt. "No, Mister Tired. You hop in the shower and stay under the waterfall" you said, pushing him into the cabin. You took your clothes off knowing very well that he is watching you and probably touching himself. You hoped in the shower with him and grabbed the bar of soap, sliding it onto his back. "Such good hands" he moaned as you scrub the dirt off his shoulders. He gasped when you slapped his bare ass, him shooting you a death glare. "What? You've got nice ass. And it's all for me" you smirked you switched positions and were now in front of your wet man.

You traced your soapy hands on his chest and abs, his muscles tightening at your touch. "I'm not gonna wash your dick" you said. "Why? After you make it so dirty with your cum, you should take care of it if you want nasty things with it" he grinned and you made a vomiting face. "Alright, I'll wash it. You take my shampoo and wash my hair" he sighed. You poured some shampoo in your hand and began washing his fluffy hair. He couldn't stop looking at your breasts, droplets of water running down your nipples. You continued massaging his scalp, being aware of the fact that all the foam will eventually get into his eyes. "Look up Mase" you said. He rose his head, eyes closed as you continued washing, with a big smile on your face as the view made you squirm inside. You couldn't help and pressed a soft kiss to his collarbone, making him open his beautiful eyes. You grabbed the shower head, water pouring over his head as he quickly closed his eyes. He threw his head back so all the foam and water would fall onto his back.

"That should do" you said, putting the shower head back to its place. Mason opened his eyes, looking at the view in front of his eyes: the love of his life,  naked under the water. "You okay?" You asked concerned. "Never been better" he said, pulling you into a hot kiss. He pinned you against the wall, hands roaming your body as he settled his knee between your legs. "I know I just washed my dick, but I don't care if it gets dirty right now and right here" he said as he sucked your neck. "I thought you were tired" you giggling, gasping when he pressed his knee on your clit. "I'm never tired when it comes to you, love. Always have the strength to fuck you anywhere" he groaned, teasing your already wet  entrance. "Mase...please" you moaned, bucking your hips towards his. "Such a needy slut you are" he smirked, pushing inside. "Fuck" you both moaned louder.
He started his gentle thrusts, which became faster as he found his pace, wrapping your legs around his waist to allow him go deeper. You pulled onto his hair, barging his face to yours to kiss him as his skin slapped yours in a harmonious melody.

You felt your orgasm nearing and you bit onto his shoulder, but he pulled out of you. You didn't understand what was happening. You just found yourself being pressed with your chest on the cold tiles, being fucked by Mason from behind. "Fuck baby... you look so hot" he moaned as he slapped your ass hard. You whined and moaned at the same time, letting him know you liked it. "You like when daddy's being rough with you, don't you baby?" He asked as he thrusts harder. Your legs started trembling and you felt yourself getting closer. Mason felt it as well, so he began rubbing your clit with his fingers, pinching at your sensitive bud. "Cum for me, love" he whispered into your ear. You came with a loud moan of his name around his cock as he still thrusted into you, desperate you catch his own orgasm. You pushed your ass back onto his growing as he dips his fingers onto your hips, your pussy clenching around him as his long awaited orgasm hit him. Your pussy milked his cock as he buried every drop of his cum inside you. He easily slipped out and you whined, your pussy sensitive after the rough sex. Your turned around slowly, being greeted by Mason's lips on yours. "I fucking love you" he moaned as he pulled you into him, your back pressed against his strong chest.

"We need to clean up, don't we?" He asked as he took the shower head and held it in front of you, the hot water streams falling directly on your overstimulated pussy. "Fuck... Mase..." you whined, wriggling out of his arms but he held you firmly against him. He pulled you to the side with one hand as he allowed the water splash over his dick, coated in your juices. "See? You've made such a mess and you didn't want to wash it. Naughty girl" he grinned as he tapped the water off and held you tight against him. He helped you out of the shower, your legs weakened after what just happened and laid you on the bed, after he dried your body and hair.

He returned with a pair of boxers for him and a clean Chelsea T-shirt for you. He loved how you look in his clothes, especially his kits and especially after a sex round. He helped you dress up and laid near you. "Thank you" he whispered, kissing your temple. "I'm sorry if I got a little rougher but you can't say anything when I have such a hot and special girlfriend, who's washing my hair" he laughed and you blushed. "I'd do anything for you, Mase, because I love you. So much" you said, softly kissing his lips. "But I love you more" he pouted, making you laugh.

Hope you like it 💙

Not me writing this story and getting a notification of Mason posting on his Instagram story 😂😂 Luckily he can't see this 😳 I would die of embarrassment 💀 He got tik tok and maybe has seen all the edits and povs, but I hope he doesn't get Wattpad lol

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