New contract

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I don't know if I wrote an enemies to lovers with Mason (probably yes) but here's another one muahahaha.
You were currently having dinner with some of the Chelsea players and their girlfriends/wives. You didn't know why you accepted the invitation from Ben's girlfriend because you felt quite out of place and you had to endure time spent with your number 1 enemy: Mason Mount. He was the sweetest guy to everyone except you. He constantly reminded you of your unfinished degree in economics and your ex who cheated on you. So, you were doing the same to him, reminding him of the things he maybe wants to forget.

"Yeah, 's good that Frank is back" he said. "Hopefully we'll get back on track" Ben said. "Hopefully you'll play" you said to Mason. "Y/N, don't be mean... everyone picks up injuries" Reece said pouting. "Yours is different, Reecy and Benny. I totally get the surgery part, but that" you said motioning to Mason "I don't get that". "Cuz I actually care about what you say" Mason rolled his eyes. "You should. Your season is over, Mount. Chelsea's gonna sell you. End of story" you said. "Y/N, stop it" Ben warned. "Did he stop talking about how my ex cheated on me? Telling me that every guy will cheat on me because I'm just a stupid little girl? Yeah, no. So I won't stop" you said. "Why do you have to ruin everything?" Mason snapped. "You're the one ruining everything. You and your fucking cocky attitude. You think you're the best just because you play football! Well fuck you!" You said. "Fuck you too" he replied. "Good. At least if it doesn't work with football, you can always go modelling" you said, leaving the table and going outside to call a cab.

"Look I'm sorry. I overstepped with everything and I get why you said those things. I deserved it"
"No, you don't" you said quietly, forcing more sobs not to come out. "Hey..." he engulfed you in a hug. "You deserve every good thing because you're a great guy" you said. "I wasn't towards you" he sighed. "I know. But it's also my fault. I thought you're like any other footballer who goes and fucks bitches every night. But you're so talented and I feel so bad about your contract. I don't want you to leave Chelsea" you sobbed even harder into his chest. "Shhh... it's okay...I'll get that contract soon I hope. I thought you're like any other girl, throwing yourself at footballer players, but you're not. And if your stupid ex cheating on you it's because he didn't see how precious you are" he said, whipping away tears. "I'm sorry... I should go" you said, noticing the taxi driver pulling in front of Ben's house.
"I'm coming with you"
"Can't let a pretty girl like you go home by herself, can I?" He said, smiling a little.

"I want to start over. Everything" he said when you were in front of your house. "I want to forget what happened until now". "Okay. We can start again" you said. "Good. Hi, my name is Mason. Yours?" He asked, making you laugh. "Y/N". "Nice to meet you, Y/N. Did I tell you you looked stunning tonight? Well, I'll see you tomorrow" he said. "For what?". "For a date". "Bold ,Mason, bold" you shook your head laughing. "Gotta take all the chances I get right? Goodnight, love. Don't overthink stuff" he said, hugging you again. "Bye Mase. And thank you"

Hope you like it ❤️
I know it's short but I'm feeding you until the other fics are ready 🫶🏻

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