Paper rings

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"Thank you, Y/N. We are deeply grateful for this" Jaz said, handing you Summer's bag with all the necessities. "It's lovely to have her here for an entire weekend. She'll have so much fun with us" you smiled. "Don't feed her chocolate or ice cream before bed" she warned and you laughed. "You should tell this to your brother" you said. "He's as dumb as a child. I'm counting on you, Y/N" she said, hugging you. "Summer, come say 'bye-bye' to mummy and daddy" Jaz yelled and Mason appeared with Summer on his shoulders. "Be a nice girl for  uncle Masey and auntie Y/n" Jaz said, hugging her. Mason picked her in his arms again and you leaned on his shoulder as you waved goodbye to Mason's sister and her husband.

"Who's ready for a race?" Mason asked, putting the toddler on the ground and running around the house. Summer squealed excitedly and followed him, while you prepared dinner.

"Dinner's ready" you shouted, but no one replied. You got curious and went in the play room, a room in which Mason has a lot of toys and games for Summer and you found them drawing on a chalkboard. "Y/N!!! We draw" the kid said, showing you her board. "That's so beautiful, Summer. Now who's hungry?" You asked. "Me!!" She yelled and ran to the kitchen. "You coming?" You asked Mason, who was deep in drawing whatever he was drawing, his tongue poking at the side of his mouth. "Yeah... I'm almost done" he said.

You fed Summer and allowed her two cookies, then you sat with her to watch some cartoons. "Baby? Can you come for a bit?" Mason asked from the kitchen.  "Yeah" you replied and shrugged a giggling Summer off. "What's up?" You asked. "I almost finished my drawing, but I need your help" he said, passing you the board. (Imagine it's a drawing with two stickmen, a house, a dog, a football)

              Will you marry me?
               Yes.           No.

You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand, and whispered a yes. His smile grew bigger and he pulled you into a hug, kissing you repeatedly while Summer clapped her hands. "Uncle Masey and auntie Y/N are getting married, Uncle Masey and auntie Y/N are getting married,Uncle Masey and auntie Y/N are getting married" she sang happily. "I love you" he said. "I love you too, big baby" you laughed. "So I don't have a ring because I wasn't planning on doing this right now, but Summer had an idea and" he said, revealing a pink paper ring. "It's beautiful. Thank you" you said. After he slid the ring on your ring finger, you kissed Summer's cheek.

After you out her to bed, you joined your fiancé in your bed. "What made you do it now?"
You asked. "Before she left, Jaz told me that we look good with a child. Then, Summer asked when I'm going to have a wife and when is she going yo have a cousin, and then I saw you with Summer and I knew you're the one for me" he said. "Awww such a romantic" you giggled, kissing him. "You made me the happiest really. I was nervous about it because it was so simple and you deserve more" he said. "It was perfect, Mase. I couldn't ask for more" you smiled, kissing him.

Hope you like it 🥹💌💍

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