New everything - part 2

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Why were you nervous about this date? It was you who asked Mason out and chose the place, your favourite Italian restaurant in Manchester. You knew how to dress up for the occasion and you knew everything about the place. But here you were, clothes everywhere, not knowing what to wear. Plus, Mason texted you he'll pick you up in an hour and only your hair and make up were ready.

"These earrings or this set? Why am I doing this? It's just Mason, the guy is too sweet to say anything bad to anyone" you sighed, finishing the last touches as Mason texted you he was outside. It's a new start for my love life you thought, stepping out into the too cold evening air.

"Hi" you said, climbing into the passenger seat of Mason's car. "Hey" he replied, giving you one of those cute smiles. "You look pretty" he said after an awkward silence. "Thanks. You look pretty as always" you said. Finally the awkward car moment was over and you made your way inside the restaurant.

"One table for—"
"Mount" Mason cut you off. "But I did the reservation" you said confused. "Of course. Follow me" the waiter said. "Mason" you narrowed your eyes at him. "Okay okay. I changed your reservation to my name. Sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he said. "It's okay, but I still am the one paying". "No way. It's on me" he said. You let it go for now because you were a nervous wreck, playing with the napkin on the table while they served some bruschetta as an appetiser. "Why are you nervous? It's just me" he chuckled. "I don't know... maybe I want you to have a good time with me. I'm a... bit difficult let's say" you said. "Tell me more. Only if you feel comfortable" he said. "Like I prefer having a night in than out, when I'm out I feel anxious and that's why I never had second dates. If I didn't vibe with the guy or he was giving me anxiety, I always found an excuse to stop going out with him" you explained. "Am I giving you anxiety? We can just go home and have a movie night" he said worried. "Yes. I mean no. It's a good anxiety you give me. Like I want to explore all this relationship thing with you".
"It's okay, it's just our first friendly date, I'm sure you'll come around and feel more at ease with me. I'm willing to wait for whatever you're hiding there" he said, softly stroking your hand. "Thank you, Mase. It means a lot. And I really hope you'll be patient because since the incident, I didn't really trust men so..." you trialed off as the food arrived. "I get it. We don't have to hurry. Just take your time" he said.

"So this is our first second date" Mason grinned. You'd already moved forward with your relationship, you felt more giddy around him or when his touches lingered for a bit.
"We don't count the first one. And neither this. This is Luke's party" you argued. "So? You're here as my date" Mason shrugged. "Excuse Me? Luke invited me himself, you just planted your ass here" you joked. "Yeah because I like your company" he said, shifting even closer to you on the coach. "I like to see y'all lovely dovey" Luke said. "We're not" you said. "Mhm. We'll see about that" Luke said. "We're taking it slow" Mason said, placing a hand around your shoulders. "I think I'm going to head out. Tomorrow's meeting" you said, getting up. "Can I drive you home?". "Of course, Mase".

"I hope you didn't mind Luke's comment. He meant it jokingly" Mason said, reading you like an open book. "I know. But sometimes I think why are you waiting for me when you could have anyone?" You voiced your insecurities to him. "Because I want you. All of you" he said, rubbing your cheek. "But I'm not even sure about my feelings...". "What do you feel then? About me, us?" He asked. "I feel happy. Loved. Safe. I want to kiss you so badly, but then I think 'what if you don't like it', then it's work — don't know if we can be seen together — and everything is so complicated" you said. "Mase?" You asked just before he pressed his lips to yours. "It's not complicated. You're overthinking it" he said against your lips. "We can kiss and be seen together. I already asked that around and they said it's okay, as long as we don't go full make our session on the street" he chuckled. "Then do you want to come in?" You smirked. "Thought you'd never ask" he said. But the make out session didn't happen because you both fell asleep in each other's arms on the coach while watching a rom-com.

Hope you like it 🩷

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