Tennis match

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You accidentally hitting Mason with a ball during the semi final.

"Nice seats" Mason commented. "Yeah. We can see everything from here. Look, they're coming" Benny said, sitting down. Mason joined him and looked down at the pitch. He was hella confused about the whole Wimbledon thing, but he was happy to watch a game live. "Who are they?" Mason asked his friend. "Y/N Y/l/n from y/h/c (your home country) and Amanda Anisimova from the US" he replied. "They're both 20. Though I think Y/n is still 19" he added. "19? Woah" Mason said, looking attentively at the brunette girl warming up.

The match went down fast, points were scored quickly on each side, resulting in Y/N winning the first set. Though in the second one... "She's almost at the breaking point" Benny said. Y/N smashed her racket to the ground in frustration. "She's definitely frustrated and nervous" Benny stated.

*your pov*
Fuck this shit. Why can't I put in in??? OUT. OUT. OUT. I smashed my racket on the floor knowing that will get me a warning from the chair empire but I didn't care. And the next round, I lost a super easy point. "Fuck" I muttered and hit a ball randomly, which landed somewhere in the crowd. Hopefully not hitting anyone. But who I was to say that? Because I was the most unluckiest person in the world and I had to hit a very handsome guy. "Sorry" I shouted at him, and he waved his hand, telling everyone he is okay. Fuck it. Why do I have to hit all the cute guys? I hate my life.

*normal pov*
The game ended. Luckily for you, you were qualified in the semi finals. You went as fast as you could, after signing some stuff for the fans and giving a short interview, to the changing rooms, because you wanted to meet the guy you hit in the head. How do you say to people you hit by accident? Sorry for hitting you. Cringe.

Apparently he was a special guest. And a football player. Double fuck. "Umm hi" you said when you where near him and his friend. "Hello. You scared me" he laughed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to do that. And either the hit. Sorry, I was so frustrated and I didn't even think I could harm somebody. It was very dumb of me, I'm so fucking stupid and—" he cut you off by hugging you to his chest. You tensed, then relaxed in his arms. "I'm sorry again" you whispered. "Hey, it's okay. I've hit my head multiple times at training, so this is nothing" he said, pulling away, but still keeping his hands around your waist. "Is this... okay?" He asked softly. "Yeah..." you said dreamily. "Let me make it up to you. A dinner, coffee, fast foods, anything" you said. "You don't have to really" he said. "I know, but I want to. Please" you pouted. "Dinner sounds good" he sighed and you jumped of happiness. "I'll text you the where and when. Here, have my number. Call me so I can have yours. I really have to go, but maybe I'll see you at the final" you said, pulling away completely and already kissing the warmth of his body. "Yeah.. see ya. And good luck" he said. "Thanks".

Mason was bewildered. He just talked to you. He felt all giddy when he hugged you, and he smiled when he remembered the scene. "You're whipped bro" Benny said. "I'm not. I just met her" he replied. "Whipped". He got a liking in you, you were fierce on the pitch, but such a caring and sensible person outside and he wanted to know that side more. He smiled when you texted him where you had made a reservation for tomorrow. It was your day off before the final and you wanted to forget about tennis for a moment.

The next day, you were nervous. Not that kind of nervousness you get before a game, but a different one. You didn't want this dinner to be romantic, so you texted Mason to clarify this. He replied with '🫡', making you less nervous about it. Maybe it won't be that bad though it's been a while since you dated someone. No, this was not a date. It was a friendly meeting with your secret crush and favourite football player.

You agreed to meet at the restaurant. Showing up together might have raised a lot of questions from people around you. You opted for a private table, hidden by some pots and plants. "So, are you stressed for tomorrow?" Mason asked. "A bit" you replied. "Fine. I'm dead" you said when he raised a brow at you. "It's going to be fine. I'll be there" he said comfortingly. "Thanks. Can we stop talking about it? I want to enjoy this date with you" your eyes widened at the realisation. "D-dinner, not date" you clarified. "Both work for me" he winked. You received the menus from the waitress, who was kinda ogling at Mason a bit too much for your liking. Maybe you weren't his date, but you still felt jealous of her. "I'd have some pasta. What about you?" He asked. "Probably a salad. And dessert" you replied. He made the orders, adding a glass of wine for himself and a glass of lemonade for you.

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