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"Mr. Mount, isn't it?" You asked.
"I'm Nurse Y/N. Are you scared?"
"Of course not" he scoffed. "You don't have to be. I'll be with you throughout the surgery, which will be pretty short, but you'll be under anaesthesia so we'll see each other here again". "Do you think they'll send someone at home with me?" He asked. "Yes. Me. So nice to meet you" you said, shaking his hand. "Likewise. So the surgery is short?" He asked. "Yep. We'll se each other in no time". "How many weeks I'll be out?". "The surgeon says that, but usually for this kind of surgery, 3-4 weeks. Is not that much is it?" You answered. "Well, for me it is. I'm out for the season" he sighed. "We'll talk more after it, okay? After all, you're stuck with me for at least 2 weeks" you joked, easing his nerves.

"Morning sleeping beauty" you sang. "Where am I?" He asked. "In your saloon. Surgery done". "It's over?". "Yep. You and your perky ass did just fine back there" you said and he blushed. "You were there too?". "Yeah. I watched the whole thing. I'm not allowed to perform yet since I'm still a student" you explained. "So you saw me naked" he smirked. "And you liked my ass" he added. "Well, a girl can check out a guy no? And I'll see you naked more times because that bandage needs to be changed 3 times a week, so get used to it, boy" you joked. I like that you're making this shit bearable. "Thanks" you said. "Did I say it out loud?" He face palmed himself. "Yea, but don't worry. I don't get compliments like that all the time" you said. "Why? I think it's important for the patient to not feel like in a jail or testing lab" he joked. "Yeah but if you make a joke, you're not serious and competent" you shrugged. "I beg to differ" he said. "Can you tell me your address and your phone number?" You asked. "Bold move. We just met" he flirted. "Just doing my job. I don't have to be 24/7 with you, so I'll see how my schedule allows me to be by your side".

"God Mason. You don't have any food in this huge fridge?" you asked. "I forgot to go shopping before the surgery. I can ask my mom to bring something" he offered. "No, I'll go. Just give me a list. And I talked with your doctor and he said I should stay 24/7 with you in the first 2 weeks, so is it okay if I move here? And if I have my online classes here?" You asked. "Woah you're fast, love. Never heard a girl wanting to move in with me that fast" he smirked. "Mase, I'm serious". "Yes, of course you can. I have enough guests rooms anyways" he said. "Good. I'll
move in tomorrow. But now I'm going grocery shopping so you won't be starved. The list?" You asked. "Sent it already" he replied. "Good. I'll be back in 2 hours".

"I put them all in the fridge and in the cupboards

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"I put them all in the fridge and in the cupboards. Anything else you want me to do?" You asked. "I think no. Everything is okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. "Yep. I'll be here around 9".

— time skip again sorry —
It was the fourth day of you living together in Mason's house. The first day was a bit awkward, but soon you tagged along and talked about different things. You were currently in the living room, revising some notes when the door bell rang. Mason usually told you if he was expecting someone, but today wasn't the case.

"Umm who are you?"
"Did Mason get a girlfriend and haven't told us?"
You were met with a group of boys, asking all the questions possible. "Hi. Can I help you?" You asked confused. "Yes. We're Mason's teammates. We came to visit him" a guy with a strong German accent said. "Is it a surprise?" You asked. "She' pretty and she smart" another one said. "Okay... come inside and I'll help him come. Tell him a lie maybe" you grinned, letting them in. "I like her".

"Mase, uhh can you help me with something in the living room?" You asked entering his bedroom. "Sure. If I can" he said. "So what do you need help with?" He asked as you helped him down the stairs. "To introduce me to these guys" you said. "Whaaa—"
"Mase, man, glad to see you're doing fine. And you got a girlfriend too"
They all hugged each other, then you were introduced to Kai, Reece, Ben, Declan and Christian. "I'll leave you guys to talk" you said, going in your room to study.

"So, she's pretty pretty" Declan said. "Dec..." Mason sighed. "What? I'm just saying you should make a move" he said. "We're professionals". "Professionals my ass" Ben said. "Did you guys come to see me or talk about my personal nurse?" Mason asked irritated. "Just a nurse?" Reece asked. "Yes. Nothing more". "Not even friends?". "No" Mason said coldly. Little did he know you heard everything and felt a bit broken. After all, sharing your personal space with someone wasn't an easy thing, but you thought you were friends, at least.

After the boys left, you decided to distance yourself from him a bit, keep it professional, no feelings involved. "There's pizza left" Mason said as he saw you searching the fridge for something to eat. "Thanks" you said, sitting on the couch near him. "So I have a question...Can I have sex these weeks?" He asked and you choked on the pizza. "What question is that?" You asked laughing. "Just saying..." he sighed. "You want to hook up with someone? Or do you have a personal whore to call when you're feeling needy?" You asked rather harshly. "Y/N... it's not that—". "I'm telling you missionary out of the question, doggy style definitely out of the question, any other weird position or kinks nope, so maybe just sucking and riding another parts except for your dick. Clear?" You said, taking two more slices of pizza and going in your room.

"Oh god I fell asleep last night. I'm so sorry Mason" you said. "The couch was comfy" he said through gritted teeth. "I'm so sorry... I feel so bad" you sighed. "As you should". "And you should too" you said. "Mason, we're sharing this place aka home for almost a week already and you say we're not even friends? Roommates? Enemies? I'm literally babysitting you, you should be at least grateful" you said. "I am! Who said I wasn't?" He asked angrily. "That's not what you said to your mates. Yes, I heard you without wanting to and maybe it was better if I didn't. Because now I know how you feel about me and this whole bullshit situation. By the way, your mom is coming to see you today, so I'll be out of your eyesight for the rest of the day" you said, taking your purse and leaving to clear your head.

When you came back, someone was cooking in the kitchen. "Mason, you can't stay up that long. Go lay down" you said. "I'm warming up your food. Relax" he said. "You can enjoy the view" he winked referring to his perky bum. "Did your mom bring you this?" You asked sitting on a bar stool. "Yep. She was gutted she couldn't meet my babysitter" he said. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that". "And I shouldn't have said that to my mates. I actually like you being around here and I hope we can be friends" he said blushing. "Of course" you smiled.

— time skip —
"I'll go for a surgery more often if it means I'll get a pretty girlfriend" Ben said. "So that's how you met? And you've been together since then? 2 years?" Reece asked. "Yep. Since then" Mason replied, his hand on your thigh. "Why is Mason always the lucky one?" Kai asked. "He charms all the girls" Christian fake fainted. "I did charm you didn't I?" Mason turned to you smirking. "Nope. You were kind of asshole at first" you said. "Whatever you say, my little avocado" he whispered, kissing your lips. "Ew guys get a room".

Hope you like it 💚

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