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Mason plays for Cobham academy and needs good grades for that, so you are helping him out. You're like 17 years old.

You've never been a fan of football although you study at Cobham Academy where football is the most important thing in their lives. It was true you played volleyball, but since you got injured really bad, you couldn't play anymore, but they decided to keep you as a student because of your great grades. 

One afternoon, after your chemistry class, you were told by your professor to go to the head of the academy for a word. You didn't know why he was asking for you, you didn't do something bad, but you were about to find out.

"Miss Y/l/n, I have to have a word with you and propose you a deal" the headmaster began. Sitting on your right was no one else than Mason Mount, the academy's young star. "I want you to tutor Mr. Mount over here, because if he continues like this, failing every class, I'm afraid his football career will be in great danger. The tutoring classes can be however you like, Miss Y/l/n, at library, home, it doesn't matter the hour you meet. Do you agree?" He continued. "Yes, I agree" you said, thinking a little bit about it. "Great! I'm waiting to see the results of your work, Mr. Mount. You're free to go now. Have a nice weekend!" You both thanked him and left his office.

"So when do you want to meet?" Mason asked. "Well I suppose you have a busy schedule, so anytime your free, we can meet" you replied. "Well, I'm free on Sunday, if that's okay" he said. "Oh yeah tomorrow is that important game everyone is fussing about" you sighed. "Not a football fan are you?" He laughed. "Nope. So Sunday at 3 pm? We're studying  English because you're failing it really well" you said, looking over the chart with his grades situation. "Isn't English your mother tongue?" You asked. "Yes and?" "How can you fail your mother tongue?" You asked intrigued. "In a Mason's way dear" he laughed.

Even though you didn't plan to attend the game on Saturday, you wanted to see Mason play so you would know with what you're dealing with. You occupied a place in the stands near your friends, who were beyond shocked seeing you there. "I thought you don't like football" they were saying. "I guess some things can change" you brushed them off. The teams came on the pitch, your eyes following each of the players till you found Mason. Both of the academies' anthems were playing, Mason's eyes scanning the crowd cheering for his team when he spotted you, giving you a small smile which you returned.

The game finished, Cobham winning and you were quick to left the stadium. "Hey, Y/N, wait up" you heard Mason calling. "So how was the game for you?" He asked. "I have a though job with you, really. I think headmaster is going to kill me if I don't help you a lot" you joked. "So you weren't planning on helping me very much?" He asked. "Not really. But I guess your football career depends on it, so I'll do everything I can" you assured him. "Thank you so do much, Y/N. So see ya tomorrow then" he waved. "Nice goals by the way. Goodnight Mason" you replied, resuming your way home.

Next morning, Mason sent you his address while you were preparing your materials.

You arrived at his place and knocked at the door. "Oh hello! You must be Y/N, the tutor" an older woman greeted you. "Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you" you said. "I'm Mason's mom, Debbie. Come inside. I'll call Mason to come over" she smiled warmly and you stepped inside, descarding your shoes. You heard Mason's mom shouting at his son to come over and you heard his older brother saying 'your pretty girlfriend had come to see you' and you chuckled. "Hi, Y/N, sorry for making you wait. Come, up to my room" he said as he took the lead. "Do you ever stop playing football?" You asked. "Yes. When I need to sleep" he laughed as he welcomed you into his room. "Boys' rooms, always messy" you sighed. "I know. I've been telling him to clean his room if he's gonna bring a girl home, but he was like noh noh it's fine" his brother appeared on the hall. "Shut up, Lewis" Mason said, closing the door in his nose. "Use protection" his brother said lastly.

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