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"He's going to cry, he's going to cry" you said. "He's not going to cry" Jaz said. "Oh he definitely is going to. I can feel it too" you said. "You're literally soulmates" Jaz said. "Oh shut up" you laughed. "I'm just speaking facts" she shrugged. "I'm just sad for him he didn't get to okay the last game and it might be the last time at the Bridge. He's more than a Chelsea player, his heart beats in Chelsea". "Oh Y/N, he's so lucky to have you. And I think he wants you there with him" she said, mentioning to Mason who was waving at you to come on the pitch.

He helped you over the barrier, not missing the chance to place his hand on your ass. "Perv" you said. "I'm so glad you're here today. It's though for me" he said, kissing the back of your hand as you walked around the pitch. "I know Mase, but hey, let's be optimistic okay?" You giggled. "I'll miss this". "I said optimistic, not a depressed little shit" you joked. "Hey, Y/N, fancy seeing you here" Ben said, hugging you. "Hi Ben. Just came here to support my baby" you teased. "I'm going to say hi to them" Mason pointed to a group of staff members. "I hope he doesn't leave Chelsea. He's my best friend" he said. "Oh Ben, I really hope so too. He is Chelsea, heart and bones and flesh and mind and everything" you said, hugging him. "Yeah but what about the Powerpuff Girls?" He whined, making you laugh. Some times ago, you made a joke about Mason being Bubbles, Reece being Blossom and Ben being  Buttercup and the boys took it to heart (they even have their WhatsApp group named like that). "I'm sure they'll be friends no matter what happens" you said.

"Okay I think I'm ready to go" Mason said. "We can stay for a bit if you want" you suggested. "No! I want to go now" he said, storming off. You shrugged and followed him to the lockers room, then back to his car. "Y/N... I... can we go back?" He asked. "Of course. Just put your bag in the car" you said. You walked back to the pitch and it broke your heart seeing Mason wanting to memorise everything like he's not ever going to come back here. "It's not over yet" you whispered. "I know but I feel like it is" he said, sitting cross-legged on the grass. You joined him, a hand rubbing his back comfortingly. "I try to be a big guy for you and not cry" he chuckled. "Mase, even boys cry sometimes . It's normal thing" you said. "I feel so overwhelmed, but I'm glad I have you here with me. You make everything feel less painful" he said. "I'll always be here" you said. He abruptly sat up. "Home. Now" he said. "You're such a baby" you laughed.

At home you ran him a hot bath to relax and ordered some food. "I think we need something to laugh about. Friends?" You asked. "Friends. The series, because we're not. We're a couple, me and you" he said. "Of course you dummy. I was talking about the series" you said, pecking his lips.

Hope you like it 🩷

I finished all my exams, I still have some work to get done next week, but welcome holiday 🥳😎

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I finished all my exams, I still have some work to get done next week, but welcome holiday 🥳😎

🦄☁️🌈🩷✨REQUESTS OPEN🦄☁️🌈🩷✨
1. If you already requested it somewhere else, don't request it here as well.
2. I won't write very triggering themes, like violence and other stuff.
3. Please specify if you want the Blonde Mase Era or the Brown Hair Era  :))
4. Please be patient, I still have a life outside (and I'm planning to read A LOT)

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