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So this is the monthly A/N that I almost forgot to write oopsii. I was a bit busy with Uni and I still am (stupid projects and professors), and I also had some problems with one of my friends whom I thought was my best friend, but apparently nope. I was kind of disappointed at one of her reactions and then I kind of ignored her just to be able to have an objective perspective of everything that happened then she got mad because I ignored her.😐 Obviously I found an excuse why I ignored her and it was okay in the end. But call me that person who takes everything to heart and who can't get over things because sometimes I can't. That moment had such an impact on me because it came from the person I trusted most in my class and now I realize that you actually don't make friends at Uni. Everyone will fight for their asses and not for yours.

And I hate that everyone praises that girl aka my ex-friend because yeah she's top of the class, but that doesn't mean she's right in every situation. Like they don't want to make her upset. Fuck that. If she's wrong or doesn't accept my opinion, I won't care if she's mad. And she's one of that type of people that you can't please at all even though you're trying to do anything and everything. I have an example so you understand better what I'm saying. So we were talking about a civilization course that we had and the colleagues who study German (her included) were like why do we need that, we better learn the language cuz we don't know anything. And now, at one of the courses, they are learning the language and it's not good for them. Now they are saying why aren't they doing what the course says. I hate this hypocrite people so fucking much. And the fact that they don't know any German or how to speak, it's really their fault, but I kept my mouth shut so to not offend them 🙄. Because I can't say I speak French like Napoleon, but at least I'm interested about ways of learning new things about the country, the history, their culture... Leaning a language is not about memorizing 1000 grammar rules and the whole Oxford Dictionary, but also knowing some things about the country itself or the countries where they're speaking the language or the differences between idk France French and Canadian French. I once asked them how different is the German they speak in Austria compared to Germany and they didn't know what to tell me... Obviously we don't learn these things at Uni, but they could be a bit curious about the language if they claim they want to learn it or that they love learning languages. And if someone tells me that curious people die faster/earlier, I'd better die smart, then live 100 years stupid.

And yk after graduation, we can go (if we want) to a master's degree which obv is in translations. I'm not sure yet if I want to go, but I said I will probably do because I want to develop my knowledge in this domain. And this mf girl says that she wants to go to learn the language. Like that's her only reason. Bitch, if you didn't learn in 3 years do you think you'll learn in 2? 🤦🏽‍♀️ and I told her that for me that's not a valid reason (in a nice way) and that there are language schools and you can go there and even take an exam after  and she said it's expensive... I was this 🤏🏼 close to not get mad. Beside hypocrisy, I hate complaining. That thing is expensive, that thing is red, that other thing is blue. SHUT THE FUCK UP. She always complains about smth and it's so annoying. She complains about having to come to courses. Bitch, Uni is not for everyone so you can drop the fuck out if you don't like it. Or, it happened one time that I was having 8h of courses on a FRIDAY and she was having only till midday and she was always complaining. But what about me bitch? I should've say all the time, every minute of the day that I have classes till 4 o'clock and I have French with that putain of a professor yk, but I don't like to complain. Well, maybe sometimes, but not all the time. Usually, I'm thinking that maybe others would want to be like this and they don't have the opportunity.

You know they say that after 2 years of relationship with someone, you starts noticing the bad things because you're not in love anymore. I think that goes for every human relationship ever. Because in the first 2 years I didn't notice this, I mean she didn't have a reason to be jealous because she is the best. And now, in the 3rd and last year, she forgot how to play her role of a good friend. She became jealous, she even got mad when a professor congratulated me for a project that I did. The fuck? And maybe sometimes I also think that one person didn't deserve a high mark compared to me, but I don't go to them and say it to their face. And then I forget about it lol 😂 Because everyone has the right to get a good grade and who am I to say no? 😂 But she's obsessed with grades and studying like wtf okay slow down bitch. Maybe she's jealous because I don't stress that much and still have quite a good situation 🤷🏽‍♀️ I have no idea anymore tbh.

Anyway, I saw some news saying that Mason picked an injury again??? So yeah I feel bad for him... But I saw that he adopted a dog and he's so cuuuteee, I'll probably write a story about it some time. 🤭

Anyways, thanks for reading my rants. If you have any advice, I'm happy to hear it.

See you next month!

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