World Cup sequel

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After the final whistle blew, everything was in a blur. English fans celebrating, Argentinian fans crying altogether with Messi, even you were crying because Mason was crying. He won his first World Cup at only 23. You were incredibly proud of him so you couldn't wait anymore and jumped over the barrier and ran into his arms, followed my one of the security guards. "She's my girl" he politely told the guy, who nodded in understanding. "I'm so fucking proud of you, you have no idea. And even if you lost this final, I would still be proud of you because I love you so freaking much" you told him after pulling away from the hug and whipping some tears away from his cheeks. He didn't have the time to say it back because his mates came jumping around him, singing 'Sweet Caroline' and waiting for the awards ceremony.

You stood next to Southgate, recording everything on your phone, even Messi, who after receiving the medal, took it off, as the rest of the team did. 'What a sore loser' you thought. Then, it was England's turn. Each players went to get their well deserved medal, then Harry Kane brought the cup 'home'. 

After pictures were taken with the team, than each player with the cup, than groups of players, it was Mason who took you on a picture with Dec and Luke, the two boys being pretty close to you. After his mother snapped some pictures of the two of you, Mason asked Dec to take a picture of the whole family, his parents, siblings and nieces, and obviously you.

"What a great memory. I will never forget that night" Mason said, kissing the top of your head. "Me neither. It was amazing" you agreed. "Even more amazing when I came home and found you in that red and blue lingerie" he smirked, pulling your body closer to his. "A champion deserved a great welcome home gift right?" you grinned. "And it was great. I think he agrees" Mason said, placing a hand on your tummy. "Maybe it's a she" you pouted. "Whatever it is, I'm gonna love them just as much as I love you" he said, kissing your lips. "Remember how Dec reacted when we told him about the pregnancy?" Mason asked. "Yeah, his brain worked faster than I expected" you laughed.

"I'm gonna be an uncle. DAMN! It took you long enough" Dec said, hugging both of you. "Wait... we're in February and you said you're pregnant in 2-3 months" he said, counting on his fingers. "That means....OH MY GOD! It's a world cup baby! You dirty dogs! Celebrated much, huh Mace?" he grinned, poking his arm playfully.

"He can be smart when he wants to be" Mason shrugged, making you laugh. "I also know someone just like that" you said. "Hey! Don't insult me in front of our child" he pouted. "Oops sorry" you giggled. "I think I have to teach baby momma a lesson, don't I?" he smirked, climbing on top of you. "Your lucky my hormones are in every place, baby daddy" you smirked, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

Hope you like it ❤

I didn't really have any ideas of what to write, but I wanted to get this done already. And I know I said I won't post this week, but I'm fucking angry at everything and I have no idea what to prepare for the exams because I have stupid teachers, especially in French, and I know that if I learn every we've done in class, it won't be enough for her fucking fat ass putain. 

And it pissed me off last time cuz I translated a text about football and she said it's not good because I should've chosen a more difficult one like economics or legal stuff and I was like do you at least know what offside is? Even if she gave me a good grade because I knew some fucking words, I'm still pissed because in this manner I won't learn French like I want to because who tf knows every word in economics like bonjour, Monsieur Google exists. 🙄🙄🙄

And I was like why waste half my life searching for the meaning of words and doing all the shit she wants and she doesn't even appreciate it like wtf you want me to do, this is all I've got, when I can write a story and I'm feeling even more relaxed (it didn't help today bcs I'm still fuming) and I get the appreciation I deserve? Like I don't want her to kiss my ass, but at least appreciate that I sat at my desk for 1+ whole days to search the bullshit she wants us to learn. And I don't know about you, but I feel motivated when someone tells me I did good or something like that. That's also true for writing, if I see comments on my stories, it makes me want to write more and finally someone appreciate my work. If not, I'm gonna be like 'fuck this shit' and never come back. 

At least today it's the game and I HOPE Chelsea gonna win or at least score a goal and hopefully Mason will look good ( as he always does) and show some masterclass to those Liverpool bitches. 💙💙💙

Lol I think this is longer than the story itself sorry xx  

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