Good job

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You turned on the tv, knowing Mason will be invited to This Morning, while Jaz prepared breakfast. You stalked the stories with him on Instagram, you were missing him like crazy, but he was going to be home after the interview was over. You decided to surprise him by watching the tv show with his sister, Jaz, and his niece, Summer, knowing that he will come to visit them afterwards. You sat on the sofa with Summer sitting between your legs, while Jaz snapped a picture with you and sent it to Mason. His heart melted at the sight of his lovely besties watching him and he couldn't wait to be home already. 

"Great" you mumbled when the host made a short introduction about Mason, reminding everyone of the last night's game. You could see his eyes were glossy, but he put on his best smile to hide his true feelings. Indeed he was a hero, but when he was with you, he could let all of his emotions out. You watched how they barely talked about the association and more about his football career, but at least they reminded everyone that he's a star boy and doesn't deserve all the hate he gets.

"Uncle Masey... Masey" Summer was babbling. "Yes sweetie, it's uncle Masey there. And Uncle Lewis is also there" you cooed, pointing at the screen. "I love uncle Masey more. Can we make cookies for him?" She asked with puppy eyes. "You want to spoil Uncle Masey?" You asked and she nodded. You knew that it will take him a good hour for him to arrive home, so Jaz agreed on that and you started making the dough, while Summer poured the chocolate chips. "He's home" Jaz announced, opening the door.

You placed a few cookies on the plate in Summer's hands and she started running to the door, saying 'cookies' and 'Masey' all the time. You followed her, after you heard voices on the hallway. "The cookies are lovely, Summer, but I can't stay much. I have to get back to Y/N" Mason said. "I made these with auntie Y/N. She's here!" Summer said excitedly. "Boo!" You jumped from behind a wall and managed to scare Mason, because he didn't expect you to be here. He put Summer down and made grabbing hands towards you. "I missed you" he said, words muffled by your hair as he hugged you tightly. "I love you, Mase. You did a great job, on and off the pitch" you said, kissing him.

"Get a room" Lewis laughed. "Summer said that she loves Uncle Masey more" you said and he abruptly stopped laughing. "I don't believe it" he said. "I have it recorder" Jaz butted in, waving his phone in front of his eyes. "Lemme see" Lewis said and they all went into the kitchen. "Help me unpack?" Mason asked and you nodded. You walked to the room you were already staying, and just plopped on the bed, hugging and kissing each other. "I just want to stay here with you. Forever" he said. "I'm here now" you whispered, cuddling into him even more.

Hope you like it 🥰🥹

I have a little drama that happened to me a few days ago, BUT firstly I want to say that I had an exam and it was easier than I expected 😂😂 but I have another 2 so I'm not relaxed at all.

Moving to the drama, I'm gonna use the initials of my friends' name (D, M, K) so it's not confusing.
So this group of friends, 4 including me, said to hang out on Wednesday. But I said that I can't go because I have to study a bit more for the exam on Thursday. But I told them that we can hang out on Thursday because after the exam I'm free. But D and M said that they have to learn too because they have to retake a lot of failed exams, but they weren't preoccupied of that until now which is very weird. Good morning sunshine, they realised they have to actually study to pass the exams 🤣

And I literally had a feeling that they will still hang out without me, which I don't have a problem with, they can hang out as many times as they want, BUT do not throw me lame excuses that you have to study when you actually go to the gym. Because that's what they did. "We have to study" and then they post stories from the gym. And also, they posted on social media that they were hanging out. What was that supposed to make me feel? Happy? I felt fucking excluded bitch, good thing I had other important things aka my education to think of.

And on Thursday, K asked me how the exam was and blah blah and I told her that it's a shame that we couldn't hang out today and she stuck up for the others two, replying with "yes, but now D&M have to study". Well from this, I understand that only they matter and we should kiss up their asses and I don't matter at all.
They could just say that they don't/can't hang out because they want to go to the gym, but not that they have to learn and they don't do that.

And this friend K, we got along very well, and I basically have no reason to be mad at her, because only D lied, but I have no idea if I want to hang out with her or them, at least for now.

Can anyone tell me if I have the right to be mad or if I'm overreacting? Because I'm that type of person that gets mad easily at people and I usually don't forget these things (which I should do), but you can't prank me bitch. I'm too smart for their excuses. 😌

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