Daddy material

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Sex mention at some point

Going out with Mason's family was always a delight. His parents loved you like you were their child, his brother would make fun of you two, and his sister would let you take care of Summer.

You were currently at lunch with the Mounts in Portsmouth, Mason's home town. Everyone was involved in conversation while you watched your boyfriend colouring some of Summer's colouring sheets. The way he was holding the pencil turned you on a little bit. "Why don't you help me?" Mason asked, passing a red pencil to you. You smiled and worked side by side to finish the drawing. "NO!" Summer yelled. You thought you've been doing something wrong and the kid didn't like it. "What's the matter dear?" Her mother asked. "Just Auntie Y/N colours! Uncle Mase no!" She said, taking the pencil from Mason's hand. Everyone laughed, including you.

Mason smirked, then watched you having fun with his niece. He could see the joy in your face and the excitement read in your eyes every time you two had a moment with Summer. "Why don't you have a kid?" Mason's brother asked and you froze. "We've been thinking about this actually" Mason said, but you knew it wasn't true. He said it just to shut his brother's mouth. "Really? Maybe we'll be going to a christening" his brother continued. You felt Mason tensing as he mumbled 'Maybe' so you stroke his hand under the table. He gave you a small smile which you returned. "See, Y/N, he is daddy material" his father said. "Tony! The kids know what to do and when to do it!" Debbie said to her husband. You chuckled and went unnoticed by the others, except for Mason.

After the lunch you went for a walk, buying ice cream and laughing at Summer's face full of vanilla ice cream. You and Mason parted from the lot to have some time alone. "I hope they didn't embarrass you with the talk about kids". "I've seen it coming... daddy" you teased him. He looked shocked and wide eyed to you. "Y/N, I've been thinking... Maybe we should try" he said, licking his ice cream. "I mean if you want, I'm not forcing you to do this, I know it's a big thing for women, they need to be ready and-" you cut him off with a kiss. "I would like a little Mason as well". "Then we should try you know" he grinned, his hands wandering down to your ass.

"Fuck Mason..." "That's not my name Baby" "Can I come, daddy?" You moaned as Mason fucked the shit out of you. "We're coming together" he whispered as he kissed your neck. You felt his hot liquids spurt inside you so you let go of your own, he continued fucking you till you came down from your high. "I love you" "I love you too, Mase".

— time skip—

"Y/N, what do you want?" Mason asked as we were having dinner at his parents. "Hmm... mustard and tomatoes" you said. "Huh? You don't even like mustard" He said. "And some prickles as well. Of course I like it, Mase, don't be stupid" you said. He shrugged it off and went in the kitchen. "Mustard and prickles?" Debbie asked. "I know. Weird. And she doesn't even like mustard. I think I'm going mad" Mason said. "You're not mad, dear. This is normal for a pregnant woman" she said and Mason's eyes widened. "She might be pregnant?" He asked his mother. "There's only one way to find you. We have pregnancy tests in the bathroom" she said.

Mason ran back to you and excused you both from the dinner table. "But Mase, I'm hungry" you whined. "Y/N, this is important. My mother thinks you're pregnant" he said. "W-what?" "Yeah, just take the test" he demanded. "Alright" you took it with trembling hands. "It's alright, we really wanted a baby, so don't worry, my beautiful" Mase said, kissing your cheek. You waited for the result together. When the two lines appeared , Mason screamed of happiness and hugged you, you were crying in his arms, so everyone came running to you. "She's pregnant. We'll have a baby" Mason told them, still hugging you. "I love you, Y/N" he whispered, then everyone congratulated us.

As your belly started to grow, you became more agitated and moody, and the midnight cravings were driving Mason's mad. But he was there for you everyday, naming sure you didn't pull something too hard. He even missed a match because he wanted to spend the night with you, when it was heavy rain. You were pissed at him for doing that, but his answer made you cry: "I'll okay in front of you and my baby boy".

You couldn't help but cry as you held Christian Tony Mount in your arms. Mason came running from training when the nurse called him, and brought you a big bouquet of flowers. "I can't believe... We're a family now" he said, admiring your beauty and looking at his baby.

— time skip —
"Yeah we're going to see daddy play? Yeah? Daddy plays at Chelsea" you told the 2 year old Christian, as you enter the stadium. You agreed that the team will meet Chris today, so Mason was waiting for you. "I already like the view" he smirked, kissing you. You and your kid were wearing his t-shirt. He walked with you to the changing rooms and everyone was amazed by Christian, it even shocked you. "Good luck and we'll see you after the match" you said to Mason as he handed you the kid. "Thank you for making my life even more beautiful than it already was. I love you so much, Y/N" he said. "I want to spend my entire like with you, because I know you can make it even more beautiful than it is now. So will you do me the honour and become my wife?"  He asked. "Oh Mason... the answer is yes" you said as he slides the ring on your finger and kissed you. His teammates cheered and even Chris was smiling. "I love you, daddy" you whispered the last word Ito his ear. "Call me that again and I'll make sure you get what you want" he smirked, kissing you.

Hope you like it 👶🏽🤱🏽

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