Ideal date

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"We really had to take the bus" you rolled your eyes. "My car's still broken, baby, and I didn't what us to miss dinner because of it" he pouted. "You're lucky you're cute" you sighed. He looked cute in his light brown hoodie and dark jeans, yes, but he also looked extremely hot. You didn't know how you'd make it through dinner without jumping on his dick.

"That's our number. C'mon" he said. "Shit" you mumbled. No seated places were free, that meant you had to sit and support yourself on something. But also there were a lot of people standing, so the only available stuff were the hanging ropes, which you couldn't reach. Fuck being short. Mason easily took one in his hand and smiled smugly while you looked for a solution panicked. The bus was about to take off, and nearly knocked you down. "Need help?" Mason smirked. You huffed, you didn't let Mason help you in anything: first, because you were stubborn, second because you were too stubborn. You popped yourself near him, and used his arm for leverage. You could feel every muscle of his bicep under the fabric of his hoodie, and he purposely flexed his arm, knowing it was doing things to you. And fuck, it did. Mason's muscular weight grew significantly and you couldn't help but drool over him every time he showed a bit more skin.
"You okay?" He smirked, seeing your face flushed. "Yeah" you replied, looking down at the floor. Bad idea. Your eyes travelled down to his groin in the process, and you could see you were doing things to him too. Let's see if you're gonna be the first to jump on his dick or he would the first to dip his tongue in you.

Luckily, you only had 2 station to go and you were where Mason wanted you to be. A little wild beach, where he set a checkered blanket and lost of candles for a romantic picnic. "What's the occasion?" You asked. "Can't I spoil my girlfriend without having a reason for it?" He asked. "I guess you can" you eyes his suspiciously, but sat on the blanket in the soft sand.

It was a pretty hidden place, few people passed by without noticing you two having sex. Because that's where all this led to. From the teasing in the bus, to the teasing while eating, you couldn't help but crawl on his lap and kiss him, rolling your hips over his crotch. "I won the bet" he grinned, while you kissed up his chest. "What bet?" You asked, unzipping his trousers. "You jumped on my dick first" he said. "Of course when you look like this" you gestured to his chest and abs. "You like that, don't you?" He smirked, flipping you around so he could discard your panties and spread your legs wide with his palm. "You dripping wet baby" he said, lapping your juices up with his tongue. "Please" you moaned. He didn't waste any second and pushed himself inside you with force, making you gasp. "Shh baby or do you want people to see what we're up to?" He asked, bottoming in and out of your tight cunt. "Or you like that don't you? Being fucked in public like a good whore?" He hit that spot when he said it and his name fell off your lips  like a mantra. "Mase... I'm so close" you moaned, nails scratching his back. He sped up his moves, bringing you to the edge faster than anticipated. He groaned when your pussy clenched around him, making it almost impossible for him to move, but he did. He fucked you into oblivion, until another orgasm washed over you and his crashed with the force of a tsunami. "Fuck... that was—" you cut him off. "Lovely" you giggled. "Yeah, lovely" he chuckled, pulling out and watching his cum drip out of you.

On the ride back home, you sat at the far end of the bus, your head resting on his shoulder as he had an arm wrapped around you protectively. "You know, my car's not broken" he said. "For fuck's sake, I knew it" you said, hitting his chest playfully. "I wanted it to be a simple date, like two normal people" he explained why he lied. "Mase, I'd go anywhere with you because I love you. You don't have to hide things from me" you said, kissing his cheek. "I know. I love you too, baby" he said, pulling you into a passionate kiss. You heard a honk and immediately pulled away to look out of the window. Ben was standing there in Mason's car, smiling smugly at the two of you. Then Mason received a text from him.

Chilly: please continue your little face sucking show

You laughed when Mason showed him the finger, then Ben turned around the corner. "He's crazy" he said, pulling you closer and snuggling into your neck. "Just like you sometimes" you laughed. "What? Was the sex on the beach a crazy thing?" He asked offended. "Shhh! I don't want people to spread rumours about our sex life" you shushed him. "Relax baby. I know you love it" he smirked, taking a handful of your ass. "And I know you love it too" you smirked, groping his dick. "You're gonna get it at home" he said casually, but his flustered face said something else. The ride home was fully of teasing and nasty comments. Luckily there were 2 or 3 people in the bus, who eyed you a bit weirdly, but you didn't give a fuck. You and Mason were perfect for each other and that meant flirty and sexy comments in public too.

Hope you like it 🥰
I mean come on!!! He looks so boyfriend-ish in that picture 🥹🥹🥹
And sorry for not posting, I've been spending a whole week in Germany and I was so busy visiting places that I barely had time to think/imagine stuff with Mason 🥲🥲🥲

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