New club owner

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"I've got some great news" Thomas said one day before training. Each and every pair of eyes were on him. "We don't talk here about the club's situation, but I think this will raise your moods. The club has been bought and we have a new owner" he said and the boys cheered. "This means we won't have any problems regarding the money, tickets, staff, t-shirts, sponsors. Everything will go back to normal" he continued. "And Mr. Y/l/n and his daughter are here and want to meet the team and see today's training. So, be focused because we're back in the game" he ended his speech.

"I'm wondering how he looks like" Callum said. "I'm wondering how his daughter looks like". "Mason!" "What? Maybe she's pretty" he shrugged. "We don't have time to flirt with the owner's daughter" Callum rolled his eyes at his mate. "She's gonna come to matches so we should be friendly to her" Mason said. "Friendly, not a creepy flirt" Callum said laughing.

"I can't believe you bought this club from you-know-who" you sighed, sitting and watching the first training. "It doesn't matter. We can achieve big things here" your dad replied. You decided to leave the discussion and focus on the players, whom you found very hot, but you couldn't fall for any of them. Or maybe...
A tall brunette passed by the stands where you were sitting, throwing you a soft smile. You smiled back, admiring his well-built composure. "What is your name, young fella?" your dad asked. "Kai Havertz sir" he replied. "Please, you can call me John" your dad said, nodding when he asked if he can return to the game. "He's handsome" your dad told you. "Didn't you say not to fall in love with any player?" You asked. "Well yes, but here are some good looking guys" he replied. "Like?" You asked. "This Havertz one, or number 19... Mount I see" he said. "Most of them have girlfriends" you shrugged and you were lucky that your dad was called to sign some papers.

When the training session was over, you decided to go looking for your father, but you realised you don't know anything about this place. "Hi. You must me Miss Y/l/n?" A cute guy wearing a cap said. "Yeah, that's me" you smiled. "I'm Ben Chilwell, nice to meet you" he said, shaking your hand. "Do you want to meet the rest of the boys?" He asked. "I'd love to" you smiled brightly.

And since that day, you became friends with everyone on the team, you specifically asked them not to treat you like some queen here just because of your dad, and they respected your decision. You went with them to almost all the games, supporting them and wearing a different shirt every time. You were glad that after the storm, they were finally smiling and playing like no other time and the win against Southampton really helped the player's mood before the UCL night.

— time skip after the game —
You hurried down the tunnel to the changing room, no one except Thomas knowing you were there. You entered when Thomas made a sign and you were glad your present put a smile of some of their faces. You looked over to Kai, and he moved his head towards the bathrooms. Before you went to check on him, you told them what your father said: "We are so proud of you, you played amazing, we're not disappointed at all. We support Chelsea when they win and when they lose. That's the game".

You entered the bathroom and you saw him curled up on the floor, with his hands on his knees and head on his arms. "Congrats for the goal" you said, sliding down the wall and sitting near him. "What's so good about it when we didn't win?" He asked. "You just scored against Real Madrid, it's awesome" you said, rubbing him back comfortingly. "Doesn't matter, we lost" he mumbled. "I know you're sad, but sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. Either way, I'm here for you and for everyone on this team, you made me so so proud and I lost my voice cheering for you" you said, whipping his tears away. "Thank you, Y/N. I had no idea you were here tonight. I would have scored more for you" he gave you a small smile. "Careful Mount, you're just being cocky that's it" you laughed, helping him get up.

Back to the hotel, you were walking to your room when you heard Kai and Mason arguing. You knocked on the door and Kai opened it almost immediately. "Everything okay?" You asked. "Not really. I'll go see how Timo is" he said, letting you in the room. You saw a shirtless Mason crying on the bed and it broke your heart seeing him like this. Let's just say you began to grow feelings for the English midfielder and you couldn't bare to see him like this.

"I'm so done with this!" He said angrily as he stood up from the bed and walked over to the mirror. "I'm a shit player and no one can tell me otherwise!" "Mase-" "No, Y/N, I don't need anyone's mercy, I know the truth myself" he said. "Mason, you're just angry and frustrated now. Don't talk like that about yourself. You need to calm down" you said hugging him from behind. His gaze fell on your hands around his torso in the mirror. "Y/N... I know you want to be here for me, but you have to admit I played like shit" he said, untangling your hands from around him. "Mase-" "No, Y/N, tell me the truth!" He shouted.

"Okay fine you want the truth don't you? I'll give you the truth!" You said, anger in your eyes. "I think you are an amazing player who achieved so many things at just 23 years old and has the whole time in this world to win fucking 100 trophies and become the best player in the world! But this player is so hard on himself that it drives me crazy, he should understand that he played well and all his teammates did, but he's taking the blame on himself after he just scored a goal and brought hope and faith to all the supporters around the world. And it hurts me to see him like this because all I want is to hug him and tell him that everything will be okay, but he's an idiot and doesn't listen to me!"

"Woah I- you're right. I'm sorry I acted like that" he said, sitting on the bed again. "And yes, you can hug me and tell me everything will be okay" he chuckled, helping you climb onto his lap. "Mason, it's not the end okay? We have next year and the next next year and so on. Just live the moment" you said, kissing the top of his head. "Thank you, Y/N" he whispered. You smiled, brushing his hair with your fingers when you felt his lips against yours. You closed your eyes at the contact, melting into the kiss and his touch. He pulled away when he heard someone clearing their throat. "Finally" Kai said. You hide your red face in Mason's chest, earning a laugh from both of the boys. "I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" Mason asked, leading you to the door. "Yeah. See you on the plane" you winked. "Do you think your father will have something to say about this?" He asked gesturing towards you and him. "No, he already likes you, so there won't be any problem" you smiled, kissing him again. "I love you, Y/N" he whispered, giving you a lot of small kisses before you pulled away. "I love you too, Mason. Sleep well" you said waving at him.

Next day you had so many nerves because you hated flying, but Mason was there, he sat near you, he made some awful jokes which took your mind off the flight. "When we're in London, I want to take you out on a date" he said shyly. "The answer is yes" you giggled, kissing him. "Get a room lovebirds" Kai said. "Mhmm I love you so much" Mason half moaned as the kiss deepened. "He said get a room!" Timo said. "I love you too, but let's not disgust them" you laughed. "You're right. We have all the time when we get home" he smirked. "Oh come on" Reece whined making gagging faces. "What? We have all the times in the world to spend together" Mason replied. "Yes, make up for the lost time" you added, kissing his cheek and getting comfortable on his chest for the rest of the flight.

Hope you like it 🥰

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