Bus boy

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You've seen him every Tuesday at 2 pm and Wednesday at 8 am. He was the first person to make eye contact with you, but unfortunately both of you were wearing masks in the bus. He always had that gym bag with him, he's probably playing a sport. You thought about it and he has to be the same age as you or 2-3 years older, but he's perfect.

He's always making eye contact with you when he can, but never initiates a conversation. You'd probably faint if he had. So you let yourself dream about him during courses, imagine what sport he plays and how his face looks like.

And as if on cue, the next day you see him without a mask on, waiting for the bus. Your insides scream, he's so fucking cute and his hair is all fluffy, you just want to run your fingers through it. But you can't, you didn't even start talking with him and you don't plan to, because you're shy, so you wait for him to take the first step.

*bus boy pov*
Wondering why I've never seen this girl around before? Ah yeah, we had online classes. I saw her the first time on a Tuesday, she didn't look at me, but when she did, I felt myself not being able not to stare at her. Her y/h/c hair sitting perfectly on her shoulders, her y/e/c eyes moving around rapidly, she was perfect, but wearing a mask, I couldn't see her face.

We met again next week, I think she gets the bus from the other station in the neighbourhood. The following week I went there, but she was nowhere to be found. She probably won't go to Uni today. I felt so happy when she climbed in the bus from the station I usually go and she sat right in front of me. Dang, I wish I could just say hello to her, but I'd just make a fool of myself. So, I prefer looking at her until she has to leave the bus, two stations before me. I watch her took her mask off, and if I wasn't wearing a mask, people could have seen me ogling at her flawless face.
*end of pov*

*back to normal pov*
It's been 4 weeks and you haven't seen him, thinking he's probably not the age you imagined. But when you were about to give up on your hopes, you saw him again and he saw you. Without mask. Without any fear, he approached you, his blue gym back resting on his shoulder.

"Did the bus leave already?" He asked. "No. It should come" you replied. "Thank you" he said and you replied with a soft smile. An awkward silence set between you too, and he decided to shoot his shot until it wasn't too late. "I'm Mason by the way". "Y/n" you said. "Nice to meet you. So you live in the neighbourhood?" He asked. Of course you lived there, what a creepy question. "Yeah" you giggled as the blush raised to his cheeks.

The bus came and it was over crowded, so you needed to squeeze closer to Mason and it was glad it was him rather than some 50 year-old creep. "Sorry, I just can't reach the pole" you laughed nervously, having brushed your hand against his abdomen. "It's okay, you can use me as one" he joked. He indeed was taller and easily reached the hanging ropes, so you took ahold of his bicep to keep you steady. "So what sport do you play?" You asked because damn, he had a lot of muscles. "Football. Do you like it?" he replied. "Yeah, I actually watch it on tv" you said. "Why are you embarrassed?" He asked seeing your crimson cheeks. "All the guys I've told I liked football, stopped talking to me" you sighed. "They're stupid. Do you want to come to my game? It's on Saturday here" he asked. "I'd love to. What hour?". "I think 5 pm". "I'll see if I can come, if I'm not busy studying. Well, was nice to meet you, see you" you waved at him as the bus reaches your destination and he waved back, smiling cutely.

*Mason's pov*
What a dumbass not to ask for her number. Maybe she won't even come to a stranger's game alone. "Who's that chick?" "She's so fine" I heard the boys whistles, so I looked in the stands and saw her. Dayum. She really looked so hot and cute at the same time, I knew I had to score a goal for her.

(Your outfit )You took a seat in the stands, all by yourself, there were also some other girls, all cheering for Mason

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(Your outfit )
You took a seat in the stands, all by yourself, there were also some other girls, all cheering for Mason. Damn, he sure gets of the female attention. Your eyes followed just one guy, the one with 19 on his t-shirt. You clapped your hands when he was close to score a goal, but before the break, the score was still 0-0. But at the start of the second break, Mason scored a bombastic goal. You stood up, cheering for him as he ran in front of the stands and pointed at you, then made a little heart with his fingers. The other girls all shot you a dirty look, but you didn't care. He scored this goal for you and it's was beyond special.

After the game you waited for him a few minutes, before he made his way out. "Hey. Are you cold?" he asked when he saw you shivering. "A bit. Not the best outfit choice for a football match right?" You laughed. "It's perfect" he mumbled, taking his jacket off and putting it around your shoulders. "And congratulations!!! That was a super goal. And thank you for dedicating it to me. It means a lot" you smiled, hugging him. "Thanks. Hopefully it was a good view" he winked. "Totally! Even more with the goal scorer in it" you said and he blushed. Then, the group of girls that you saw earlier passed the two of you, all muttering Hi Mace in high pitched voice. Mason greeted them politely, then a blondie handed him a piece of paper and whispered loud enough for you to hear too Call me for some fun, then looked at you in disgust and left with the rest.

You couldn't say you were jealous, Mason wasn't your boyfriend, but you felt deeply uncomfortable after the whole scene. Mason sensed that and tried to change the subject, but you beat him to it. "Getting a lot of female attention huh?". "Not something I want" he replied, throwing the paper on the ground. "Hey! What are you doing?" You asked. "What?". "You have to throw the paper into a trash can" you said. "I didn't know you were into ecological  stuff" he laughed, but picked it up anyways. "I'm not, but I'm paying attention where I throw stuff" you rolled your eyes.
"So... any plans for today?" He asked, scratching the back of his head. "I think I'm going home and fantasise about this amazing football player who scored a goal for me today" you replied. "Why fantasising when you have him right in front of your eyes?" He asked smirking. "Maybe because I don't have the courage to..." you trailed off. "To what?" His smirk grew even bigger. You blushed a deep shade of red and looked at your feet. "To ask me out? I will if you won't" he said casually, lifting your chin so you could look into his eyes. "Because I like you and I want to get to know you, not just the bus girl" he said. "I'd love to, bus boy" you smiled.

"So, do you want to go out like right now?" He asked. "What do you have in mind?" You asked, playing with the strings of his hoodie. "Somewhere to eat because—" his stomach grumbled which made you both laugh. "Okay, we can go to this caffe down the street" you suggested. "Umm I have a better idea" he said, taking your hand in his and walking away from the stadium. "I'd love to go there but usually my teammates go there to celebrate and I don't really want them to you know" he gestured with his hand. "To make fun of you" you teased. "Yeah... I want you to know the real me" he said. "I think I'm on the right path" you chuckled.

After the little date, you took the bus back home. Your head was falling onto his shoulder and he hugged you, kissing the top of your head. "You tired?" He asked. "Are you not?" You chuckled. "Yes, but I want to spend more time with you" he replied. "I want to spend time with you too" you said yawning. "What are you doing?" You asked. "Walking you home" he answered. "I don't need a bodyguard" you rolled your eyes. "If I'm the bodyguard, it means that you're my princess?" He smirked. "Maybe" you hummed, but in reality you were grateful because it was already dark outside. "Can I have your number? So we can set the next date" he said. "Sure".

After you switched phone numbers, you arrived at your flat. "I'll see you around then" you said. "Thank you for coming. I had a really good time with you" he smiled, blushing. "I had a really good time with you too, Mason. Goodnight" you said, kissing his cheek. "Goodnight, princess" he smiled shyly.

Hope you like it 🫶🏻
Inspired from my life, but unfortunately no boyfriend resulting from the situation 🥲🥲🥲 #single4ever

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