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You and Mason being rivals in a teqball double mix competition.

"And now from /your country/ the well-known siblings Y/N y/l/n and Andrew y/l/n" the host announced and you climbed up on the stage for a picture. "And from Serbia...." The presentation is long forgotten as Mason's eyes land on you, he's never seen you before, but he knew he had to shoot his shot. "Hey, pay attention to them. They might be our rivals in the next games" Mason's partner, Sam, said. "Yeah sorry" he replied, focusing on your technique and tactics you implied in the game. It were the quarters and he already played so he had time to rest but also to analyse the other teams tactics.

Your team won the match against Serbia and you had a short break, then there were the semifinals today as well and then you were free for the evening. "Hello, y/n right?" You turned around to see that handsome English boy you watched throughout the tournament. "Yeah, the one and only" you chuckled. "I wanted to say congrats for the win and you played really well. I'm Mason, by the way" he said, instantly blushing. "Nice to meet you, Mason. And thank you. You played really well too. I hope I'll see you around" you waved at him.

You returned to the hotel pretty late because the semi-final you had to play was postponed, so you didn't think there was any food left. "Hey, Y/n, I saved you something" Mason caught up with you as you were walking to the canteen. "That's so sweet of you, Mase. Thank you" you smiled, he was being so sweet towards you and you really appreciated it. He met you company while you ate, talking about the funny moments of this tournament ( the Kurwa boy being one of them - there was a guy from Poland who was saying Kurwa every two words).

"What are you doing Mount? Fraternising with the enemy?" Sam asked, seeing the both of you together. "I'm just trying to be friendly" he said, raising his arms in defence. "I'll see what friends you will be tomorrow and after the final" she sniggered. "I'm sorry for her, she's just very competitive" Mason said, noticing the change in your behaviour and the sour look on your face. "I get that, but we're off the pitch. She could at least be respectful" you huffed, sitting up. "Yeah, I tried to tell her that, but no change" he shrugged. "Wait you knew we were gonna be rivals tomorrow?" You asked. "Mhm. I though you knew we won the first semifinal" he said. "No, I didn't. Coach didn't want us to de-focus. And you still came and sat with me?" you asked. "Mhm. Why wouldn't I do that?" "Well, people here don't really like me" you said embarrassed. "They don't know what they're losing. I really like being around you" he smiled. "Same with you. I should go to sleep, big day tomorrow" you said. "Yeah... then I'll see you tomorrow friend" he said, hugging you. "Goodnight and sweet dreams" he said. "Sweet dreams about the trophy" you giggled.

— the day of the final —

After the introductions were made, you had to pose for some pictures with your teammate, the referees and the other team. You exchanged a short shake of hand with your opponents, though Mason gave you a small smile which you returned. No matter who will be the winner, you will be happy about it.

The game started and it looked like Mason wasn't in the game, constantly getting yelled at by his teammate. Out of frustration, he shot the ball so strong that it jumped on the table and hit you in the abdomen. You stumbled back a bit, sure you gained a lot of hits, but it came unexpectedly fast and you didn't even have time to react. Andrew and Mason immediately rushed to you, who placed a hand on your belly. "Y/N fuck I'm so sorry I didn't want to do that" Mason was beyond panicked. "Fuck off Mount" Sam said, shoving him away and kneeling near you. "I hope your stomach is empty dear" Sam said sympathetically. "Yeah... I'm fine, just a bit of shock that's it" you said, reassuring your brother that you're okay. "I'm gonna kill that bastard" he said. "It was an accident. It's not his fault. I need to go to the bathroom" you said, getting up. The referee allowed 5 minutes of break for this foul, so you walked to the bathrooms and on the hallway you found Mason with his head in his hands.

"Hey..." you said softly, sitting near him on the stairs. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled. "Accidents happen" you shrugged. "I feel like it's my fault. This is the last thing I want to do to you, hurt you" he said. "I'm fine Mase. Stop crying like a little girl. The game's on" you said, jumping up. "Let me make it up to you. After the game, we can go out or something" he said as you walked back to the arena. "Sounds fun" you giggled, kissing his cheek which turned pink.

The game continued, resulting in your team winning the trophy. Mason was beyond happy for you, he lifted you in the air, you called for him when you were about to lift the trophy above your head. After the media left you alone, Mason came to officially congratulate you. "Congrats. You really deserve it" He said, hugging you. "Thank you, Mase. I'm so happy I can't find my words" you laughed. "But I don't need words for this" you said, leaning in and pecking his lips softly. When he was about to deepen the kiss, you pulled away, scared that you overstep the mark. With his hand behind you head, he pulled you in for another kiss, from which you didn't pull away, just when you ran out of breath. "I love you, Mason Mount" you whispered. "I love you too, Y/n Y/l/n" he replied, kissing your forehead.

Hope you like it 🥹🤍

And if you don't know what teqball is, go on yt and I'm telling you, you will fall in love with this sport ❤️ I've been to a teqball European tournament in my city and it was absolutely amazing 🤩 You probably guessed that this story was inspired by my personal experience to this event and also the Kurwa boy is real, he was so funny 😆

Also I want to say that I hardly find any time to write anymore, I have a lot of stories that I started but I don't have time to continue them or I'm stuck at a certain part of the story, because university occupies pretty much of my time, I have to make a lot of projects and presentations (and I hate public speaking and to interact with the audience 🥲). But hopefully, Mason will keep me sane and happy

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