Christmas present

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"Before we open the know I don't earn as much as you do" you said quietly. "I know, but I don't care" he said, pecking your lips softly. He gave you a first box wrapped in red paper and you have him another one. He watched you open it, your eyes widening at the sight of a new pair of Jordans. "Mase..." "Shhh. I know you wanted them" he said, kissing your temple. "Have you been stalking my phone?" You asked and he shrugged his shoulders, mumbling a 'maybe'. "God damn I have to change my password again" you laughed. "Polaroids for my camera? How did you know I ran out of them?" He asked, opening his present. "Eh...had a feeling" you replied. "And a photo album for them? Oh my God y/n you're the best" he said happily.

After opening lots of presents, you had one more for him. "For the last present, I have to blindfold you. Okay baby?" You asked and he nodded eagerly. "Gonna suck me off, Y/N?" He smirked, as you tied the blindfold around his head. "Maybe later" you replied, going to prepare his present.

"Okay. You can take it off now" you said. After his eyes adjusted to the dim light in the room, he couldn't believe his eyes. His beautiful girlfriend, dressed in nothing but red wrapping paper, stood under the Christmas tree. "Oh I wanna let him unwrap me like oooh/Get on top of him, by that fireplace like oooh" you sang, moving your hand suggestively. He got up and kneeled in front of you, wrapping his fingers around your neck, testing the waters. "This is the best Christmas present so far" he said, making you chuckle. "So... gonna let me get on top of you?" You asked innocently. "First I have to unwrap my present right?" He started with your hand-made top, ripping it apart from your body, leaving your nipples sensitive to the warm air. "Finally I don't have to worry about ripping your clothes anymore" he said, taking a step back, admiring your body, illuminated by the Christmas lights. "Come to daddy, baby" he smirked, getting rid of his own clothes for you. "Can ride me now, babygirl" he whispered, spreading his legs wide at the edge of the couch, but you had other plans.

"Wanna get off my thighs, babygirl?" He smirked, watching you climb onto his thigh. "Remember the last video Chelsea posted? Your thighs looked so good baby... all I could think about was riding them" you said, rubbing your bare pussy on his muscle. "Fuck..." he groaned, contracting his muscle from time to time, adding more pleasure to your throbbing core. His fingers pinched your nipples, making you moan softly. "But you didn't come yet" he said confused. "I wanna cum around your dick, daddy. Will you let me?" You asked, leaving his thigh and positioning yourself with his cock. "I'm all yours baby" he smirked as you lowered yourself on him, his hard dick stretching you out, making both of you moan louder. "Fuck baby..." he moaned, guiding your hips on his dick, while his mouth attached to your breasts, sucking them harshly. "Mase please.... Make me cum" you begged. He thrusted his hips up to met yours, while you bounced on his cock. "Cum for me, my dirty little slut" he said. With a cry of his name, you came around his cock, panting, as you tried to catch your breath. He helped you get out and you whined at the lost of contact.

"Patient, baby. I wanna clean you up" he smirked, carefully laying you on the sofa and buring his head between your legs, his skilful tongue collecting your juices. "Mase..." you whispered. "Don't come yet, baby..." he said, sucking your clit. "Mase please" you begged. "Desperate for my cock are we?" He smirked, pushing inside of you. "Takin my cock so well for me, princess" he groaned. He gave you a few hard thrusts, his gaze focused on your flustered face, making his dick twitch. "Fuck baby gonna cum fast if you keep doing that" he groaned as you clenched around him. "Mase...I-I need to-" "Cum baby...." He groaned louder as you squirted around his cock and he came inside, collapsing on top of you as you both catch your breaths.

"Best Christmas present. I love you" he smiled, kissing you softly. "I love you too and thank you for all the presents" you smiled, laying your head on his chest and falling asleep.

Hope you like it 💙
Hope you have a Merry Christmas guys ✨♥️🎄

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