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« picture on the side makes sense later »

February was soon drawing to a close, and I really couldn't wait for spring to come. I was getting sick of the cold weather and the short days. because Demi said that I couldn't go to the studio alone and Jaycee wanted me to stay at home to recover fully before I started working again, I started having Skype sessions with Jaycee and the various songwriters who help me. we could talk about the songs that we could write and produce and how we were going to make them happen. that way, I still could get work done while still being at home, like Demi and Jaycee wanted me to do. while I was away, one of the songwriters named Lydia managed to write a whole song, which she excitedly told me about and described on one of our Skype calls. so I was still working, which made me feel a bit better about sitting at home all day. I had caught up on all of my schoolwork and so I was getting bored now, and I needed things to occupy my thoughts. I didn't want to have spare time, because then I'd start overthinking and start spiralling down into that pit of searching myself on Google and going back on the saved account that I used to find out what people were actually saying about me.

my legs were also improving vastly, and I could stand for about a minute now before having to sit down again, but it was a sign that I wouldn't be paralyzed for life, which was fantastic. I couldn't walk still, but hey, it's an improvement. and I don't even do any physical activity at all, who am I kidding.

Demi and Naya were also planning to go back to LA soon. we'd spent about four months in New York, and since Glee was ending, Naya didn't have any other projects to do around New York. we were all kind of missing LA anyway, so we had started planning to go back. I'd had enough of the cold weather anyway, but I love New York so I was pretty torn. plus, the girls were going to bring the Reflection Tour to New York soon. I really wanted to see them at least once on this tour, and since the LA dates were already over, I persuaded Demi and Naya to stay until the New York show was over, at least. obviously I couldn't go into general admission, so Jaycee rung up the girls' manager and they secured a spot for me backstage and I could hang out with the girls before and after the show, which was pretty cool.

once I had emailed Jaycee back gratefully thanking her for arranging this, I went on to my next email. I skim-read it before gasping sharply and then reading it again slower, my eyes straining wide.

Hi, Lea!

It's Taylor - I hope you're feeling better! in the care package I sent you, I gave you a box of tea. the thing is, I just remembered how good that tea that I sent you truly is, and I kind of realized that I only sent you one box, which really isn't enough. I've got some more and they should be delivered soon, and then I'll send it to you. OR, you could come over sometime this week, and we could hang out with the cats!!! and you can stay the night if you'd like to! and of course Demi and Naya are welcome to come over if they feel like it. let me know if you guys are up for it, but only if you're feeling better! if not, we can always do next time, and I'll mail you the tea ASAP!!

love, Taylor.

"WHAT THE HECK!!" I screamed, my eyes already blurry with tears, snatching up my phone and nearly flying down to Demi and Naya's room, flinging the door open, forgetting to consider that Demi and Naya might be... making out, amongst other things. 'TAYLOR FREAKING SWIFT INVITED ME OVER," I announced, half-screaming and half-trying-not-to-cry. thankfully, they were both fully clothed and discussing something with an open notebook on the bed. they both stared at me as if I'd grown another head, like in AHS. taking a deep breath, I repeated, "Taylor Swift invited me to her place."

"we heard you the first time, honey," Naya muttered.

"come here, darling," Demi said cautiously, as if she could break me into tiny pieces with her words. "come sit on the bed."

I did as she said. they continued staring at me, a slight smile growing on Naya's face.

"how are you feeling, sweetheart?" Naya asked gently.

"I'm not going insane, I swear!! look, I'll pull up the email, and you guys can see for yourse-"

"honey, I don't think you know what you just did right?" Demi asked, her worried expression disappearing, soon replaced with an amused hint of a smile.

"I just got invited to Taylor's house. oh and you two can come too if you want. now hang on, just let me-"

"mija," Naya said, laughing. "oh my god. look at her, Demi. she's so excited. it's so cute. wait, I'll record this." she pulled her phone out and started to video me.

"baby, baby," Demi said, beginning to laugh. "listennn."

"okay," I said. "okay. what's it?"

"where's your wheelchair?" Demi asked slowly.

I turned around, looking for it. I didn't see it anywhere. "wait..." I said, dragging out the 't'. slowly, I turned back to Demi. "did I run here?"

pure happiness radiated from Demi's features as she nodded. "you did, princess."

for the second time that day, my eyes blurred over with tears as I launched myself to Demi and Naya, who hugged me tight. as we pulled away, Demi clapped her hands excitedly. she looked at Naya. "should we tell her?"

"you're pregnant?!"

the both of them rolled their eyes. "neither of us have the capacity to biologically produce a chil-"

"oh. right." I kept forgetting that it would probably never happen. "what's the news then?"

Naya glanced at Demi, the both of them wearing huge smiles on their faces.

"we're getting a puppy!"

hello friends!

I'm sorry that the update was a bit slow this time - I'm on holiday in Holland & France, so getting time for writing is a bit tougher but I've been trying to write during car journeys etc

a bit of Daya + Lea fluff because we haven't had some recently, and I'm also putting Buddy in the story because I feel like Demi wouldn't be complete without her irrational love for the dog.

if you're on spring break like me, have a fantastic one! if you're having exams, good luck! & if you celebrate it, happy easter!!

this is dedicated to @nightsparrow94 because she's been voting & commenting a lot and I've loved reading their comments :)


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