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two weeks later - june 15th

once the plane to Miami landed, and I was being escorted through the airport to the arrivals area, my phone was already buzzing with texts from Demi, Naya and Lauren.

Demi: call me when you land baby!
Demi: call me miss movin on!!
Demi: LOL! 😝😝😝😝

Naya: let us know when you land, sweetie, we love you

Lauren: we're here! 💥
Lauren: well me and chris are
Lauren: we'll be at arrivals lol can't wait to see you babe!
Lauren: don't rush though you must be tired, we can get coffee later if you want!

smiling, I typed out quick replies to each of them, letting Demi and Naya know that I had landed safely and I loved them very much, then telling Lauren that I was making my way over and taking up her starbucks offer.

straightening my hoodie, I followed two of the airport security to baggage claim, hitching my backpack further up on my shoulders. with some help from the security personnel, I grabbed my suitcase off the carousel, then was approached by a fan to ask for a selfie and for me to sign her phone case.

"what's your name?" I asked, accepting the sharpie from her and beginning to sign my name.

"Charlotte," she said, smiling widely when she saw that I was writing her name on the case.

"there," I said, handing it back to her. "nice to meet you, Charlotte."

"you too!" she said, putting her case back on, before bursting out, "I think I'm going to explode. I can't believe I'm meeting you."

laughing, I reached out for another hug. "you're all good."

after saying goodbye, I was brought out to arrivals, where I spotted Lauren and Chris almost immediately.

Chris was the first to see me. "hey!" he called, waving.

Lauren looked up from her phone, a huge smile on her face when she saw me weaving my way towards them.

"Chris and Lauren?" the airport security asked me.

"yes," I confirmed. "they're picking me up."

the security nodded. "here you are, then. enjoy your stay in Miami!"

after thanking them, I hurried over to the duo, where Lauren bent down and lifted me up in the air, causing me to squeal a little. Chris grabbed my suitcase and pulled it out of the way of a rushing businessman, then offered a hug, which I gladly accepted.

"I've heard so much about you," he remarked. "welcome to Miami, Lea!"

"thank you," I said, smiling. "and thanks for coming down to pick me up, by the way."

"no problem," he replied, shrugging. "don't mention it."

"I've missed you," Lauren said.

"it's been two weeks," I laughed. "but I've missed you too."

as we began walking, Lauren told me, "Ally's coming in a week and Mani is coming on the first of July. Ally'll share a room with you when she comes, is that okay?"

"of course," I said. "what about Mani?"

"she gets to sleep on my floor. hey, here's Starbucks. do you want some?"

"sure. are you two getting a drink too?"

"nah," Lauren said. "I had coffee this morning and Chris doesn't do caffeine well. you go ahead, though. we'll wait for you."

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