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as much as I hated to admit it, that one incident really dragged my self esteem down to beyond the core of the earth.

"c'mon guys, let's go for dinner." Dinah pulled herself off the couch of the Fifth Harmony dressing room. Normani pulled a face. catering at the Austin tour hadn't been half as good as the Neon Lights Tour, and everyone was really craving something that they could only eat in their hometowns. salmon, buffalo wings, fish and chips, things like that.

except me.

the lack of taste made it easier to resist, gave me excuses to eat less, and I could get smaller portions without much questioning - even Lauren had bought into it.

but today, as we walked into the catering room, we were hit by the smell of fresh spaghetti. it was the only thing that had smelt good since the tour started.

"it's real food! my CHILD!!!" Ally gasped dramatically. she hurriedly made her way to the table. "oh, darling. where have you been! mama has been worried sick!" she mock-wailed. Camila rushed forward.

"our child is safe!" she played along before the both of them cracked up laughing.

Dinah steered Lauren, Mani and I to the plates. "c'mon girls," she yelled. "let's go get some!!"

Lauren snorted.

"some FOOD!" Dinah smacked her head. "I meant food!"

Mani whispered loudly, "the thirst is real."

Dinah mock gasped as she grabbed plates and handed them out. "I'm not thirsty."

"says the one looking for the guys at the gym during your episode for AwesomenessTV," Camila smirked.

"oooh, the gym! where the fellas at?!" Ally, Mani, Lauren and Camila imitated, their voices in perfect unison.

Dinah's jaw dropped open. "how long have you been practicing that?!"

"ever since the episode aired," Lauren replied. she lifted the lid of the steamer. "oh my GOD."

"dat spaghetti tho," Mani whispered.

it was fresh, smelt good, and was generously loaded with tomato sauce. the steam rose slowly, and the aroma wafted into the air.

Camila bent down, ducked under Lauren's arm, grabbed the tongs from her and began loading it onto her plate like there was no tomorrow. Lauren flicked at Camila's forehead repeatedly but was ignored by a wildly ravenous singing creature with desirable voice cracks by the name of Karla Camila Cabello.

"line up, children," Ally said, pushing everyone into a line gently. "wait. Lea comes before Dinah. Dinah'll sweep it all up." she shoved Dinah behind me.

"if Camila leaves any left," Lauren said, then smiled sweetly when Camila spun around.

"I heard that."

"then where d'you go in the line, Ally?"

Ally smirked. "in the front." and she slid nicely in front of Lauren, who threw her hands up in frustration. Mani smirked from behind Lauren and poked her back mischievously.

I panicked. Dinah was going to see how much I'd take, which wasn't a lot. she'd see my hesitance. since the boys had already finished dinner, we had to finish everything or it would go to waste, something Camila was fussy about.

Dinah grumbled something about being last. knowing she was hungry, I turned to her quietly. "you go in front, Cheechee."

"no, Lay, I was just kidding. you go ahead." she smiled warmly at me.

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